Educate Children on Multiculturality: Bibliography

  • Objective: Teach about the acceptance of other cultures.
  • Standard: Cognitive development and general knowledge.

Annotated bibliography

Lindstrom, C. (2020). We are water protectors. New York, NY: Roaring Brook Press.

The book chosen for this lesson plan is “We are water protectors” by Carole Lindstrom (2022). Written for children aged 5 to 9, the material is excellent for my lesson. This book is also addressing the lesson’s goal, as it provides the children with knowledge about Native Americans. As my primary goal is to educate the students on the aspects of various cultures, this material will be exceptionally useful. During the lesson, the students will be asked to read particular passages from the text, after which a discussion with the learners will be initiated. The focus will be on evaluating the children’s answers and making sure that they understand the basic ideas of multiculturality and tolerance.

Allergic to girls, school, and other scary things by Lenore Look. (n.d.). Audible. 

A media source that will be used in my lesson is an audiobook by Lenore Look (2009). This material will be beneficial for my lesson, as it will help the children understand the value of communication with people from other cultures. Furthermore, the students will learn that interaction with individuals from other ethnicities is not as scary as it might seem. Written specifically for children from 5 to 9 years old, this material will be perfect for my students. The events transpiring in the story are captivating and easy to understand, ensuring that the learners stay engaged. This book will be listened to during the lesson, and the children will be asked to discuss the events after each chapter. The main focus will be on understanding the characters’ feelings and journeys.

Pollard, M. (2022). Diversity poems for children. 

The next resource is the poem by “Others,” which focuses on accepting the differences that exist among people (Pollard, 2022). This source was selected because poems can be easily memorized by children between the ages of 6 and 8. Using the poem format makes it possible to convey the information on acceptance to children while ensuring that they stay focused. Furthermore, this poem will help children develop their cognitive abilities while providing them with knowledge of multiculturality, as required by the lesson’s goal. The students will be asked to describe their impressions of the poem. After a short discussion, the learners will be requested to memorize the poem and retell it by heart during the next lesson.

Pollard, M. (2022). Diversity poems for children. 

The second additional source is a poem titled “Diversity” by Maisie Pollard (2022). This source is appropriate for children because it does not contain any complex words or notions. Additionally, it supports the objective of this lesson, as the poet discusses the issue of differences between people and cultures. Since poems can be recited by children at this age, this resource helps the students enhance their memory capabilities. During the lesson, the students will be asked to memorize and recite the poem. This activity can teach them to be compassionate and understanding toward other cultures.


Allergic to girls, school, and other scary things by Lenore Look. (n.d.). Audible.

Lindstrom, C. (2020). We are water protectors. New York, NY: Roaring Brook Press.

Murphy, F. & Harren, K. (2019). A boy like you. New York, NY: Sleeping Bear Press.

Pollard, M. (2022). Diversity poems for children.

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