Educational Program Training for Federal Government Adult Learners

The training program for federal employees reflects current administrative needs and demands of a new political anal economic environment. Change Leadership program is developed and introduced by Cornell University. “The courses in the Certificate in Change Leadership series, part of Cornell’s Proactive Leadership™ program, are based on Professor Samuel Bacharach’s acclaimed books Get Them on Your Side and Keep Them on Your Side.” (Change Leadership 2009, p. 4). The aim of the program is to prepare federal employees for effective change management and help them to navigate in rapidly changing environment. Today, the federal administration experiences problems caused by economic decline and financial crisis. Therefore, because innovation is all about creating new realities, change must deal first and last with sight (Albanese and Mitchell 1993). It is assumed that the strategic intention not only informs all changes in federal administration, but it also adjudicates it, thereby providing almost instantaneous responsive changes–time and place-specific. Change presupposes a purpose, an intent; change is continuous creative energy. But change is the energy used without specific intent; it is the continuous dissipation of energy. The program consists of two main modules: The Essentials of Coalition Leadership and Pitfalls to Avoid and Leading for the Long Term. The training course can be applied to two certificates: Leading Management Teams and Business Leadership Skills. The grading criteria are based on the traditional structure including max 100 points.

Following the Information processing model (Knowles et al 1998, p. 21), the proposed program will help federal employees to acquire new knowledge and improve their professional skills. In order to complete employees should introduce innovative technologies based on green technological solutions and energy-saving technologies. In such a situation, the mission of the federal government will change from decision-makers to innovators and unique designers. Thus, it will be crucial to introduce changes in every operation and management process within the system! Anything about the current process and production that cannot be thus transformed must be abandoned. And anything not existing that is needed to complete the production must be created–from within the production itself (Argyris and Schön 1974; Billett 2001; Boud and Feletti, 1997).

In terms of the field theory (proposed by Lewin), “learning occurs as a result of cognitive change in learning structures” (Knowles et al 1998, p. 30), the change program allows federal employees to change their way of thinking and decision-making towards the realistic and effective problem-solving process. But in the whole-context organization, the change is given a new meaning by being cast into a completely new context. The main issues generated from the change in federal administration will be the new structure of relations and new approaches to communication. In this situation, the change team that is vital must be a microcosm of change. That is to say, the employees of the state must reflect all segments and all aspects of the community. The stage of transformation will include businesses, governmental agencies, and other related groups. In addition, every demographic aspect of the society must be mirrored-age, gender, race, ethnicity, political and religious philosophies. New technologies and designs should be oriented to the needs and expectations of modern society and a new generation of people. If anyone in the society can look at the team and not see themselves reflected back, the change process has already lost credibility )Rogers, 1983; Levinson 1997l Avis et al 1998).

The development theory suggests that a person can grow and develop his personal skills and knowledge through self-learning and knowledge acquisition. The Leadership change program allows federal employees to acquire new knowledge and helps them to faster self-learning (Levinson et al 1978). It is important to assume that if this learning process is properly planned and prepared, it can be accomplished in extended changes. Many trainees choose a retreat environment for what should be a casual but no-holds-barred examination of possibilities. All of those who are to be active in the development of strategy should be invited to participate. Throughout this extended discussion, one thing must be made clear: the strategic planning process, not to mention the plan, will leverage the entire organization into an entirely new way of doing business. also, each participant in the learning process–specifically, the members of the team and change team–must be willing to subordinate his or her own special and personal interests to the goals of the systems, the reason it exists. In commercial organizations, that means a willingness to abandon political turf and departmental profitability for corporate profits (Boud and Griffin 1987).

In sum, learning theories show that adult learning is based on self-management and constant development factors. The idea to introduce innovative solutions and designs is explained by the fact that learning evolves and requires new ideas to prosper. For adult learning programs, the question is simply whether those participating in the process will make all decisions based on the best interests of the student. All of the teams in the planning process, as pointed out earlier, will be obligated to make decisions by complete agreement. Leadership is an important part of change management as it directs and guides the company and industry in general.


  1. Albanese, M. A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). “Problem-base learning: A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues’ Academic Medicine 68(1), 52–81.
  2. Argyris, C. & Schön, D. (1974). Theory in Practice: Increasing professional effectiveness San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  3. Avis, J., Bloomer, M., Esland, G., Gleeson, D. & Hodkinson, P. (1996). Knowledge and Nationhood: Education, politics and work London: Cassell
  4. Billett, S. (2001). Learning in the Workplace: Strategies for effective practice Sydney: Allen & Unwin
  5. Boud, D. & Feletti, G. (eds) (1997).The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning London: Kogan Page
  6. Boud, D. & Griffin, V (eds) (1987). Appreciating Adults Learning: From the learner’s perspective London: Kogan Page
  7. Change Leadership Training Program (2009). Training and Career Development. USA Gov.
  8. Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. G., & Swanson, R. A. (1998). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resources development. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company.
  9. Levinson, D. J., Darrow, C. N., Klein, E. B., Levinson, M. H., & McKee, B. (1979).  The seasons of a man’s life: A view of adult development. New York: Alfred A Knopf.
  10. Levinson, D. J. (1997). The seasons of a woman’s life: A view of adult development and a view of gender. New York: Ballantine Books
  11. Rogers, C. R. (1983). Freedom to learn for the 80s. Columbus, OH: Merrill

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