Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students

Ways to Ensure Self-Determination

Students with special needs need frequent individualized attention due to their difficulties. Referring to my professional experience, there are some specific approaches and plans for learning that could be helpful. One way to provide support, self-determination, and control is through individual plans (Parmigiani et al., 2021). They can focus on a specific person, thus allowing them to work out specific areas of knowledge better in which they experience difficulties. Setting personal goals for each student can help make progress (Petersen, 2009).

Another effective method is individual training, which can be combined well with the previous method. Thus, the teacher will be able to give the students the maximum amount of attention and reveal their abilities in the best possible way. The involvement of professionals, in this case, is essential for both cases since they can take into account all the features and draw up the right lesson plans that will be correlated with the workload allowed for the student.

Ways and Skills of Self-Determination

For self-determination and the development of a child’s skills for life, one of the correct options is the method of decision-making and problem-solving. These skills are critical to a child’s ability to be self-aware in the future (McKittrick, 2022). These skills must be present for a person in the future to fully exist in society and occupy any well-paid positions (Petersen, 2009). Such abilities can be developed by providing the student with simulated scenarios to find a way out of the situation. This will facilitate the child’s self-determination in the future, as they will be able to choose by analyzing the situation.

In addition, another skill that will need to be developed in a student for self-determination is self-confidence. This skill will be the proper and effective complement to the previous one, and accordingly, the combination of these opportunities will enable the student to make thoughtful and correct decisions (Petersen, 2009). A strategy for developing this skill may include a simulation that will create conditions for the child in which they will have to tell someone about their needs or that they do not like something. This will further allow the person to assert their rights and prevent potential cases of abuse. Self-determination will be best achieved by children with the help of professionals who help them develop the protection of their interests.

Reflection on the Article

Considering this issue, the article provides valuable information about children with special needs. One of the main aspects emphasized by Petersen (2009) is eliminating external factors that may constitute barriers to the everyday learning of a student with special needs. This may include stereotypes and low expectations from others that can impact a person’s self-esteem. Shana’s Story is an account of a particular student’s experience of overcoming prejudice and proving herself to be self-reliant (Petersen, 2009).

At the same time, one of the most critical aspects in this regard is the support of a trainer who will provide training with the necessary skills. In addition to specialists, Petersen (2009) also emphasizes the importance of family support. This shows that the author fully understands the importance of interaction with others for children with special needs. Achieving self-determination is also possible thanks to the support of the family and the curator. However, in this case, in addition to this, it is essential to teach the student skills such as self-confidence and the ability to defend one’s position.


McKittrick, L. L. (2022). The Benefits of Teaching Self-Determination Skills to Very Young Students with Sensory Loss. Online Submission. Web.

Parmigiani, D., Benigno, V., Giusto, M., Silvaggio, C., & Sperandio, S. (2021). E-inclusion: online special education in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Technology, pedagogy and education, 30(1), 111-124. Web.

Petersen, A. (2009). Shana’s story: The struggles, quandaries and pitfalls surrounding self-determination. Society for Disability Studies, 29(2). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, December 9). Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students. https://studycorgi.com/effective-strategies-for-fostering-self-determination-in-special-needs-students/

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StudyCorgi. (2024) 'Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students'. 9 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students." December 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-strategies-for-fostering-self-determination-in-special-needs-students/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students." December 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-strategies-for-fostering-self-determination-in-special-needs-students/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Effective Strategies for Fostering Self-Determination in Special Needs Students." December 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-strategies-for-fostering-self-determination-in-special-needs-students/.

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