Effective Studying and Its Main Principles

Everyone learns differently and knowing what style suits them best is essential. The learning strategy empowers individuals and the best learning abilities and contributes to success. Teachers in schools have continuously tried to figure out new approaches for effective learning. Over the years, many strategies have been used to improve students’ overall learning in retaining information, and some have succeeded while others have failed. Effective studying comes from consistently and regularly implementing habits. Making the best out of time spent learning requires an individual to find approaches in study tips that works for them. Good study habits enable one to know their strengths and weaknesses, using different study methods and organizing the planning process. This paper discusses how one should study and develop better learning skills.

Effective studying does not start with opening the books but needs the whole organizing process before starting. One must prepare for study by setting goals necessary to keep them going. One should know why they are studying; it can be from exams, getting good grades, finishing college, satisfying parents, or having professional knowledge for a future career. No matter a person’s goals, they should be an impetus for studying. The goals should be achievable within a particular time with substantial effort (Sera & McPherson, 2019). A person should be realistic and should not make over-optimistic promises. After one sets the goals, one should choose a place to study.

Different people have different preferences for their study location. For example, some people can read with background music, while others need silence. The place one chooses to study should have proper lighting, as poor lighting is more likely to make a person sleepy. A person who needs background noises may turn on some music, while persons who need silence may prefer to study in the library or a quiet room. A person’s learning style defines how an individual learns and understands information more effectively. According to the VARK system, there are five learning styles: visual, auditory, reading, writing, and kinetic (İlçin et al., 2018).

Visual learners use graphic representations such as diagrams, charts, and graphs to understand information. Auditory learners rely more on recordings, discussions, and lectures to process the data. Kinetic learners benefit from putting concepts learned into activities or actions for better understanding. The multimodal learning strategy is when one utilizes various sensory modalities to process information. Multimodal techniques combine images, prints, animations, speech, and sound as a style. While utilizing the model structure of learning, one can use various tools such as documentaries, visual graphics, and interactive modules to supplement lectures.

It is essential to create a balance between multiple models, as frequently switching between modalities can cause an overload of information and confuse the learner. Learners who use the reading and writing style may prefer visual materials presented in written format. The individual takes the information by making notes, including headings and lists, and organizing visual graphics into written statements. After gathering all the information, one may utilize resources such as textbooks, manuals, and dictionaries. Learning in this process entails writing and reading the notes multiple times. Most times, knowledge and understanding occur after reviewing the information again, which serves as revision. Breaking down what one has learned into their own words makes remembering things more uncomplicated. Note-taking is a better way of understanding and memorizing information (İlçin et al., 2018).

The reason is that as one reads or hears what they are taught, they can write it down, enhancing participation in the learning process. The first step for memorizing is to read the information. Copying down the information enhances memorization, and having information as a hard copy can be used to study on later dates.

Distractions are a source of ineffective studying and should be avoided. Numerous factors and features may result in a loss of concentration and energy while studying. Studying while the television is on may result in constant distraction from thoughtful reading. Smartphones may also be a distraction, such as when answering calls may lead to wasting time and a person becoming tired before managing to study efficiently.

The internet may also be a distraction when one is prompted to use social media instead of concentrating on their task. One should avoid these forms of distraction when studying and opt to boost productivity in different ways, such as drinking coffee or listening to classical music. Attitude and mindset play a critical role in the success and all aspects of studying. One should stay motivated and not underestimate themselves by reminding oneself that they have the necessary studying skills and can achieve anything. Negative thinking, such as ‘I cannot do it, ‘I can’t stand studying’ for long, or ‘I am a total failure,’ are unacceptable if one needs to study proficiently. Furthermore, one should not compare themselves with others or think that their peers are better than them, which may increase dissatisfaction and demotivation. Attitude toward a person’s learning habits differentiates quick learners from others, as well as self-confidence, which is the most significant determinant for success.

Time management is essential for effective learning and proper division of time allocated for education. Procrastination is a significant challenge when it comes to time management. Many students must work on procrastination while studying for tests, exams, and homework, resulting in insufficient time to gather the needed information. Time control can determine how one may be successful in learning (Villarreal & Martinez, 2018). This process entails deliberately organizing and planning time to save it. Time management enables a person to avoid being faced with the challenges of night-before-test cramming and overdue term papers.

A person should consider scheduling every hour they decide is time for studies. Making a to-do list of the tasks needed and giving each job a deadline may help with scheduling. Organizing tools such as apps on phones or calendars may be crucial and efficient for setting reminders of upcoming deadlines and study time. Every minute counts; hence one should be precise when scheduling and think about the necessary amount of time needed to study but consider potential delays and leave time when planning. However, even the sharpest mind needs breaks from study and time to rest. Taking a break is essential to stay focused and organized.

Therefore, one should take breaks every 40-50 minutes during study sessions. One can spend this time doing things they like, such as listening to music, snacking, or talking to friends. Once the person returns to study, the mind is relaxed and ready to take more information. Different study tips for memorization are recommended to enhance the learning process. A system of reward may help one study better by making the process of studying more pleasant. One can give themselves little treats, for example, eating or drinking something delicious once they finish some part of looking. Teaching someone can also be an effective way of memorizing and remembering learned information. As one teaches others, they are prompted to retain the learned items, which enhance their memory through repetition of the intellectual things.

Students-to-student studying is a powerful learning technique where one student passes information to other students. This method is excellent and highly effective as students can explain how they memorize the information in a way others understand, which is better than reading the book definition. As two or more students study, they may include quizzing each other, group work, and use of notecards, and all the students get an opportunity to learn.

Flashcards can be used for better learning to write down essential facts using bullet points, different colors, and fonts to enhance visual perception. A person may carry the flashcards around and take the opportunity to read them, such as standing in queues or waiting for a bus. Flash cards can be consequently used in group activities with peers and classmates. New technologies have come where one can use specific apps to use flashcards on phones or computers. These apps include Cram and GoConqr, which enables a person to create flashcards for visual learning. They can add formulas, images, and text to make this flashcard, while another flashcard can allow audio recording.

In conclusion, everyone learns differently during the study process, and knowing which strategy works best is essential. Preparation of the study is significant before starting to plan the process for effectiveness. A person should consider the location which best suits them for examinations. There are different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, reading, writing, and kinetic. Knowing one preferred learning style is significant to make the process easier. During the study, one should avoid all distractions, keep a positive mind and manage time efficiently. Student-to-student learning enhances memorization and increased participation. Additionally, breaks are essential while studying to freshen up one’s mind.


İlçin, N., Tomruk, M., Yeşilyaprak, S. S., Karadibak, D., & Savcı, S. (2018). The relationship between learning styles and academic performance in TURKISH physiotherapy students. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1-8. Web.

Sera, L., & McPherson, M. L. (2019). Effect of a study skills course on student self-assessment of learning skills and strategies. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 11(7), 664-668. Web.

Villarreal, V., & Martinez, A. (2018). Assessing study skills in college students: A review of three measures. Journal of College Student Development, 59(5), 629-635. Web.

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