Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives


Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in healthcare is one of the most effective ways to solve healthcare malpractice problems. This approach implies such fundamental processes as arbitration, mediation, or negotiation. This aspect is essential in such an area of practice as a patient safety officer. The peculiarity of ADR is that it is often used to avoid litigation about the abuse of official positions by medical workers. A study of sources regarding this topic has shown the high effectiveness of this approach, its connection with the Christian worldview, and the need to expand knowledge in this area of solving problems in healthcare.

Literature Review

Benedikt, A., Susło, R., Paplicki, M., & Drobnik, J. (2020). Mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution: A practical approach. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, 22(3), 235-239. Web.

The authors point out that alternative ways of resolving conflicts in healthcare are more valuable than judicial ones, as they can help limit the possibility of a recurrence of the malpractice issue. Thus, the article benefits this work since it considers mediation the most successful approach.

Colombo, R. J. (2020). The past, present, and future of Christian ADR. Cardozo J. Conflict Resolution, 22, 45-69.

This scientific work explores the intra-faith dispute resolution within Christianity. It emphasizes that the judicial system is primarily based on a religious worldview, and when implementing ADR in healthcare, it is necessary to consider the postulates of this faith (Colombo, 2020). This article relates to the chosen topic as it provides an alternative way to resolve conflicts with the help of Christianity.

Edmiston, J. (n.d). A Christian approach to conflict resolution. Global Christians. Web.

This source focuses on religious aspects that must be considered when resolving conflicts. Hence, it states that we should not be too harsh or absolute, act soon, and keep it small (Edmiston, n.d.). This information may be related to this work as a justification can be derived from it to use alternative ways to resolve the conflict before going to court.

Hsieh, M. T., Lu, L. H., Lin, C. W., & Chen, Y. W. (2021). Correlation between malpractice litigation and legislation reform in Taiwan over 30 years. International Journal of General Medicine, 1889-1898.

This research paper draws attention to malpractice litigation and medical legislation reform. It can be used within the framework of the analyzed topic, as it gives a better understanding of this area and the need to use ADR to solve healthcare malpractice problems.

Khan, H. A., Bastiampillai, A., & Mon, S. W. (2020). Mediation as a suitable dispute resolution method in medical negligence cases: Special reference to the Malaysian position. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(3), 2309-2323.

Khan et al. (2020) consider medical negligence as a form of malpractice in the healthcare sector. The authors point to mediation as the most effective ADR method for this issue, which makes this work relevant to the topic under study.

Pakpahan, K., Isnainul, O. K., & Pakpahan, E. S. F. (2021). Mediation as an alternative for medical dispute resolution between doctors and patients in approval of medical/medical actions. Southeast Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 24, 173-86. Web.

This source talks about mediation as one of the most effective ways of conflict resolution and provides several positive aspects of this approach. Among them is “confidence that threatens the professional reputation, where the professional reputation among peers and in the community who use health services in their environment can be protected” (Pakpahan et al., 2021, p. 97. This article directly relates to the selected topic as it provides an alternative dispute resolution technique.

Poole, N. (2020). Coronavirus and clinical negligence. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, 25(3), 97-98. Web.

The source emphasizes the need for ADR to be productive in resolving conflicts and malpractice issues caused by the coronavirus. This information can be used to understand how ADR can help solve problems by avoiding trials and hearings in healthcare.

Sabela Gayo, A. S. (2022). The use of mediation as an alternative health dispute resolution. Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, (59).

This scientific work focuses on mediation as the most effective method of ADR in healthcare. This article is helpful because it provides information about the value of this approach for implementing “law that regulates the settlement of health disputes outside the court” (Sabela Gayo, 2022p. 1).

Sharma, A. (2021). Role of ADR in the healthcare sector on resolving medical malpractice disputes. International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4(6), 1019 – 1028. Web.

The value of this article is that it focuses simultaneously on arbitration and mediation to solve gaps in malpractice in the medical field. Moreover, it focuses on the effectiveness of these measures to increase confidence among patients and healthcare providers.

Wang, M., Liu, G. G., Zhao, H., Butt, T., Yang, M., & Cui, Y. (2020). The role of mediation in solving medical disputes in China. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 1–10. Web.

The main conclusion of this work is that “ADR plays a role in reducing the need for initiating litigation and may ultimately increase satisfaction with the healthcare system” (Wang et al., 2020, p. 10). Therefore, it can be used to obtain arguments regarding the productivity of this approach.


In conclusion, a study of literary sources has shown the effectiveness of introducing ADR in healthcare. Special attention is paid to mediation to solve problems with malpractice. In addition to limiting the possibility of a recurring issue, it removes the need for litigation and additional spending.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, December 20). Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-in-healthcare-a-focus-on-mediation-and-christian-perspectives/

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"Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives." StudyCorgi, 20 Dec. 2024, studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-in-healthcare-a-focus-on-mediation-and-christian-perspectives/.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives." December 20, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-in-healthcare-a-focus-on-mediation-and-christian-perspectives/.


StudyCorgi. "Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives." December 20, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-in-healthcare-a-focus-on-mediation-and-christian-perspectives/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare: A Focus on Mediation and Christian Perspectives." December 20, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-in-healthcare-a-focus-on-mediation-and-christian-perspectives/.

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