Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life

The idea of living a fulfilling a meaningful life comprises finding a balance between love, respect, dignity, and self-identification. Throughout my daily interactions with people, I have been constantly taught overwhelming yet valuable lessons. The learning process seems especially fascinating in the context of interaction with my clients, who teach me love and respect at the very same time while I assist them on their mental journey. Thus, I identify with my clients in the pursuit of finding the most genuine version of oneself, addressing one’s spirit and voice. To reflect on my experiences on the journey, I write poetry and create space for the expression of various moments, impacts, and conflicts. By doing this, I have finally realized the professional goal I want to pursue in the future in order to leave a mark. However, in order to do so, I need to obtain advanced knowledge that enhances my abilities to provide quality help and support to others.

Achieving a master’s degree in Counseling and Human Services has provided me with a solid understanding of the “soft” science. Despite the rigors coming in the way, I had a feeling of discovering various tools that helped me define the peculiarities of our existence. However, the learning process still did not draw enough attention to the scientific perspectives of human psychology. Thus, my intention is to make up lost ground and find a way to encompass the broad aspects of human experience. Finding a balance between perspective, fact, and spirit will allow people the freedom to find themselves.

There is a heated discussion in the academic circles on the matter of juxtaposition of nature and nurture concerning the extent to which human behavior is predetermined by genetic patterns (Kandler & Zapko-Willmes, 2017). Professionals argue over whether science can attempt to answer the larger questions about human nature. I firmly believe psychology to be a matter of degree, perspective, and tools. In my opinion, humanity is more than just a quantitative or qualitative approach to finding answers for the “what, why, and how” questions. At the end of the day, human beings are a combination of variables. The perspective I hold is that science and “something more” contributing to human nature is somehow interrelated.

This idea has inspired me to pursue the connection between being human and understanding humanity. I plan to create a curriculum for the education of all medical and mental health professionals at the collegiate level, which includes the consolidation of theories, techniques, and issues involved with addressing and treating the LGBTQ+ population as a whole, placing major emphasis on the notion of the gender dysphoria experience. This may include the creation of models or validation of primary source materials to help medical and mental health professionals work with this diverse population.

Regarding the curriculum for the education of medical and mental health professionals of all types, my interest would include integration of the gender identity experience within the mainstream discussion in this professional context. The modern theoretical basis aimed at addressing the aspects of etiology, prevalence, and long-term outcomes for the LGBTQ+ community representatives is, by all means, limited in terms of quantity and variety of subjects covered. The overall aim of my work would be to help expand our understanding of gender identity and the gender spectrum when applied to issues involved in educating and treating gender dysphoria. The issues tackled include medical best practice protocols for the non-binary or gender non-conforming population, neurobiological characteristics, epidemiology, and health following gender-affirming treatment. Accounting for substantial research in the areas that lack valid primary data would be a significant part of meeting this goal.

As a Registered Psychotherapist Counselor, I have had the unique opportunity to make a profound impact on the local community through education, training, and individualized treatment. Having reflected on Dr. Brene Brown’s approach to researching and addressing the role of shame and guilt in mainstream American culture, I have found her ability to communicate through qualitative storytelling compelling (Flannery, 2018). I want to use her approach to create a culture in which gender identity becomes a natural part of the human experience spectrum.

Throughout the counseling experience, I have discovered that even within the LGBTQ+ community, there is no consensus on the concept of gender identity. For example, a person who identifies as female but is biologically male and attracted to females may not be accepted by the lesbian community. Another example concerns someone using the phrases “crossdressing” or “drag” to define a transgender person. These two labels are not synonymous, and I find that this misperception is just as prevalent in the gay/lesbian community as it is in the heterosexual context.

Indeed, these discrepancies may be found anywhere. When pursuing my master’s degree, I used to question the connection of various seemingly unrelated concepts in order to perceive the peculiarities of human interaction from a different perspective. This quality has eventually helped me bring up the right questions considering the phenomenon of gender identity in the context of society and self-perception. As a clinical counselor, I am keenly aware of the deficits in the education and understanding of gender identity. While people promote the tendency to sit on the superficial areas of these concepts, the scopes of discomfort surrounding the issue continue to increase. There is a strong need to broaden and deepen the medical and mental health discussions that are already present. The same may be applied to the notions of race and cultural intersections. This discourse has lived in the margins of the population for too long and remains marginalized in the medical and mental health sector.

If I had a chance to dwell on my professional priorities and declare them out loud, I would place much emphasis on the fact that the idea of gender dysphoria was more complex than anyone could realize. This is a search for identity and acceptance not just within oneself but within our culture. My intention is to provide comprehensible information to anyone either experiencing this issue or willing to see it through a different prism. It is not normal for a child to be brutalized because they are identifying as something “other,” nor should a 65-year-old endure life as someone they are not in order to protect themselves from others. Likewise, it is not normal to feel the need to defend a transition or other medical procedure and gender dysphoria status to a medical professional. Our role is to help define and establish appropriate education and discussion in our society. Thus, my passion as a professional should be described as a willingness to help people live more authentic and fulfilling lives.


Flannery, M. C. (2018). Shame: A Brief History, written by Stearns, Peter N.,(2017). Emotions: History, Culture, Society, 2(1), 169-170.

Kandler, C., & Zapko-Willmes, A. (2017). Theoretical perspectives on the interplay of nature and nurture in personality development. In Personality development across the lifespan (pp. 101-115). Academic Press.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/embracing-gender-identity-pursuing-a-fulfilling-and-authentic-life/.


StudyCorgi. "Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/embracing-gender-identity-pursuing-a-fulfilling-and-authentic-life/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life." September 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/embracing-gender-identity-pursuing-a-fulfilling-and-authentic-life/.

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