Informational Interviewing Tutorials are conducted in order to know more about the internal workings of business or not-for-profit organizations in order to collect information that may be useful for the interviewer’s study or employment prospects. “Informational Interviewing is a key strategy for career exploration and for building your network. It is a form of networking that can be very effective for learning about and understanding careers, industries, organizations, and much more. It is a way to access the “hidden job market” which may lead to an actual job, but because the focus is on information, it allows an informal exchange between interviewer and interviewee” (Informational interviewing, 1907, para.1). It is now proposed to consider an actual case scenario in order to provide a detailed account of Informational Interviewing Tutorials and how it impacts the interviewer and other constituents in the knowledge gaining process.
The interviewer is a person studying for advanced management course in Human Resources Development and the interviewee is a Manager, HRD, in a large multinational corporate which is engaged in industrial goods and products. The main purpose of this study is not in terms of seeking employment opportunities in this large corporate, but to complete a project work using live discussions and interviews. Therefore, it needs to be clarified from the very outset that this is not the demonstration of a job interview technique, but a tête-à-tête seeking to know the organization better in order to prepare a detailed scholarly project report and also to expand the interviewer’s networking in this specialized field of human endeavors and efforts.
The person’s name, position and organization
The person’s name is “Mark Steppe” and he is the legal manager of a law firm called “VAVILOV, WEBB, WALSH & RIVER” (Miller, 2010, para.2).
Why you chose this person to interview
This person is a reputed person in the legal field and moreover, this legal firm is one of the better known and famous firms in business with branches in several cities in this country. It is believed that an interview with this person would shed new light on the current state of legal practices in this place and what are the threats, challenges besides advantages and benefits that would accrue as a consequence of this interviewing. Interviewing a highly experienced and proficient legal luminary would definitely help in gaining original data and information about this study and even consider legal aspects that were not addressed in the past, thus enriching the experience value and quality of this interview.
Your interview questions
- How did you land up with this job? What are the efforts and sacrifices that have helped you sustain this job till the present moment and what are the factors that have led to your occupying the present senior position which you occupy today?
- How optimistic are you about the future of this company and its future growth plans?
- Which are the works related ethos and values that are strongly applicable in this job?
- What are the major advantages and disadvantages in working for this employer?
- What competitive advantages does this employment offer vis-à-vis competing firms?
- What is the utmost selling point (USP) and how do competitors and allied firms view their relationships with this company?
- What are the major challenges that are in store for this company and how do you plan to meet these in future?
- What are the tips and advice you would like to offer trainees and potential entrants into this challenging yet rewarding career of legal jurisprudence?
What happened during the interview?
It was a two sided communication networking in which both the interviewer and interviewee share their views and experiences and what they thought about legal career and its prospects. The interviewee was optimistic about the ever increasing scope of legal career given the widening internet application. The decision of many countries to allow foreign firms to practice in their respective countries and also ever increasing number of legal issues due to increased trade and commercial ventures both in private and public sector. According to the interviewer, the ever increasing gamut of country specific laws and legislations have made the work of legal professionals onerous, yet exhilarating. The interviewee, Mr. Mark Steepe, also offered wise professional counsel to the interviewer on how he could further his career prospects.
The names of at least two people you were referred to
The interviewee also referred the interviewer to two persons, legal attorney Mr. Jim Browne and also Ms. Stephanie Oliver, legal assistant for further briefing on certain winning cases.
The person’s reaction to your resume
The person was impressed at the educational qualifications and training that the interviewer had gained and wished that he would be able to maintain high standards of professionalism and integrity upon entering practice after completing his law degree.
As mentioned earlier, an Informational Interviewing Tutorial does not pose to be a job interview and any nexus with it is purely coincidental. Through these interviews, the main objective that is desired by the interviewer is to increase his social and professional networking, gathering more people who could be of service in his /her future professional career while at the same time, gaining information and useful tips that could possibly help them avoid the pitfalls and dangers in the system for which they are working or proposing to work in future. Besides, networking is powerful tools for growth and self improvement. “Creativity and insight are certainly important, but without an effective network, you may never spare your imagination, reinvent yourself or declare your sensational news to the world.Uzzi, B. & Dunlap, S. (2005). (Uzzi & Dunlap, 2005, p.9).
Reference List
Informational interviewing. (1907). Brown Career Development Centre. Web.
Miller, J. D. (2010). Informational interviewing tutorial. Quintessential Careers. Web.
Uzzi, B., & Dunlap, S. (2005). How to build your network. Harvard Business Review. Web.