It is essential to stress that in my organization, work responsibilities are assigned according to the education and experience of the employees. Thus, the team’s productivity depends mainly on its members’ qualities. Accordingly, the team at the workplace is organized according to the staffing structure, and each member performs the duties assigned to them. After the staff was reduced due to the pandemic, there was a shortage of workers for some time; other employees worked overtime (Asbari et al., 2021). As a result, this hurts work-life balance. Meanwhile, the trend in my organization was to complete tasks on time, independently of whether there were enough working hours allocated for them. This significantly influenced employees’ ability to work effectively, as most of the team suffered from burnout.
Nevertheless, after the organization approved and implemented accounting software, it significantly facilitated employee efforts. For instance, many calculations can be done electronically, and reports can be generated immediately. As a result, it has reduced the amount of mechanical work for all employees, which has decreased their workload. Consequently, my colleagues and I could restore our work-life balance because we could complete all assignments during working hours. Furthermore, changing the organizational design is a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of employees. The focus is on improving the technical and interpersonal aspects of the workplace.
Hence, the changes started with creating a company vision for the future, which defined the goals and areas where changes needed to be introduced to achieve these goals. Accordingly, the department manager conducted training sessions for employees to explain the company’s general goal and adapt the individual’s objectives to it (Bhende et al., 2020). Consequently, I could work more effectively when my long-term goals aligned with the company’s aims. For instance, I wanted to increase my salary and grow my career rapidly, but it was essential for the organization to generate more profit. Therefore, I performed efficiently and with high motivation, was capable of enhancing the company’s efficiency, and received salary growth as a reward.
It is crucial to emphasize that if I calculated the total amount of time I spend on work and home and work-related issues, I would find that I invested the hours I was compensated for. This is different from the fact that a few years ago, I spent more than the number of hours specified in my work duties due to my inability to organize a work-life balance. Maintaining a work-life balance for employees is one of the main goals of my organization (Sabuhari et al., 2020). This is the only approach to maximize employee productivity.
However, the primary problems that disrupt work-life balance are the need for a standardized working day, insufficient number of workers, the desire for career growth, and ignorance of the principles of balance. Employees can find additional information and advice on organizing their work and personal time. Additionally, employers can enhance working conditions and expand their staff to fulfill this principle (Sitopu et al., 2021). If I were the head of an organization, I would allocate funding to provide gym subscriptions for employees. This would contribute to a more relaxing experience for the staff and provide them with energy for productive efforts.
Therefore, my organization’s team’s productivity depends on the staff’s experience and professional abilities. Before the technology modernization, I could not find a balance between my personal life and work because I was working in my private time. After the modernization and organizational design changes, managers started promoting work-life balance because it aligned with the organization’s goals. As a result, I can work more efficiently by spending less personal time on work-related issues.
Asbari, M., Hidayat, D. D., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Managing employee performance: From leadership to readiness for change. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(1), 74-85. Web.
Bhende, P., Mekoth, N., Ingalhalli, V., & Reddy, Y. V. (2020). Quality of work life and work–life balance. Journal of Human Values, 26(3), 256-265. Web.
Sabuhari, R., Sudiro, A., Irawanto, D., & Rahayu, M. (2020). The effects of human resource flexibility, employee competency, organizational culture adaptation and job satisfaction on employee performance. Management Science Letters, 10(8), 1775-1786. Web.
Sitopu, Y. B., Sitinjak, K. A., & Marpaung, F. K. (2021). The influence of motivation, work discipline, and compensation on employee performance. Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, 1(2), 72-83. Web.