When conducting research, one of the critically important and necessary components is to ensure their ethics. This is especially true for those works that attract individuals and their personal information. Problems with ensuring an ethical component can jeopardize not only the scientific research itself but also the privacy of its participants. Thus, it is necessary to analyze such aspects as the selection of study participants, data collection, analysis processes, and publication of findings to determine the value of ethics in them.
Selection of Research Participants
When conducting research that involves elementary school and high school students, students with disabilities, and teachers, ethics is one of the most important and leading aspects. This is because researchers need their personal information when attracting a sample population. Thus, first, it is necessary to obtain informed consent, in which the participants will agree to use and storing personal data (Mertler, 2021). Students must collect this confirmation from their parents or saga givers. Moreover, such a group as students with disabilities and minors belong to the vulnerable population, which necessitates additional measures that will provide them with privacy and will not harm both physical and mental health.
Data Collection
After gaining informed consent from every participant in the study, the next step in educational research is data collection. Ethics also plays an essential role in this process. Hence, researchers are faced with choosing the most correct and non-intrusive methods of obtaining it, depending on the selected population. This aspect also implies taking into account the possibility of causing psychological or physical harm. Another critical aspect is ensuring the safety of data. In other words, researchers should choose a storage method that protects personal information from cyber-attacks, hacks, and unauthorized access.
Analysis Processes
First, the maximum bias limitation is necessary regarding data analysis and interpretation. This issue is important because it can negatively affect the study results. Thus, the researchers have a goal to mitigate the possibility of the occurrence of preconceived biases and selective reporting. To ensure the most influential research, it is necessary to include all information obtained while collecting information. Additionally, when analyzing information, it is necessary to ensure the transparency of the chat. In other words, everyone involved in the research process should know what procedures are carried out with the data obtained.
Publication of Findings
Several ethically essential aspects can be crucial in the research when publishing data. The first is accurate reporting of the results and outcomes. Thus, the researchers will clarify that the bias has been limited and the study’s veracity has been ensured. Moreover, this aspect will provide an opportunity for further research to explore both positive and negative results. Another aspect within the ethics framework is other researchers’ passage of the review process. The peer review process will provide such important indicators as validity and reliability.
In conclusion, when conducting scientific research in the educational field, it is necessary to consider several essential aspects, the leading of which is ethics. Its provision provides an opportunity to obtain the most productive and unbiased work results. In addition, ethics provides an opportunity to ensure the privacy and security of participants, especially if the study includes students and teachers.
Mertler, C. A. (2021). Introduction to educational research. SAGE Publications.