Ethical Issues in Radiologic Technology: Consent, Privacy, and Safety

Article Summary

The article discusses some of the ethical issues radiologic technologists (Rad Techs) face in their profession. Ethics plays a crucial role in medical professions, including radiology. The article discusses major ethical issues such as patient consent, privacy and confidentiality, and patient safety (Admin).

Patient Consent

Patient consent is a significant ethical issue, as patients have the right to know what procedures will be used during the imaging process. Radiologic technologists must ensure patients understand their procedures and the potential risks.

Patient Privacy

Privacy and confidentiality are also significant concerns. Rad Techs must ensure that all patient data is kept confidential and only shared with authorized individuals. Breaches of privacy can lead to severe legal consequences.

Patient Safety

Patient safety is another central ethical issue. Radiologic technologists must ensure that they are using the lowest possible dose of radiation to achieve the necessary imaging results. Overexposure to radiation can lead to severe health problems for patients.

Personal View on the Issues

The issues raised in this article are critical and require constant attention from all professionals in the field of Radiologic Technology. Rad Techs must always prioritize patient safety, privacy, and informed consent.

Patient Consent

In regards to patient consent, it is crucial to ensure that the patients are fully aware of the procedures and potential risks. This not only respects their autonomy but also builds trust and cooperation.

Patient Privacy

Privacy and confidentiality are non-negotiable. Given the sensitive nature of the information we handle, it is our responsibility to protect it from unauthorized access or misuse.

Patient Safety

Lastly, patient safety should always be a top priority. While radiation is a useful tool in medical diagnosis, it can also pose potential health risks if not adequately controlled. It’s our duty to use it responsibly and ensure we are not exposing patients to unnecessary risks. In conclusion, maintaining ethical practices in our profession is not just a requirement but a responsibility. It ultimately leads to better patient care and trust in our profession.

Work Cited

Admin. “Ethical Issues in Radiology: A Guide for Rad Techs.” Medical Professionals, 2023. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 28). Ethical Issues in Radiologic Technology: Consent, Privacy, and Safety.

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StudyCorgi. "Ethical Issues in Radiologic Technology: Consent, Privacy, and Safety." February 28, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Ethical Issues in Radiologic Technology: Consent, Privacy, and Safety." February 28, 2025.

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