Proposal for Replacing Healthcare Equipment: Considerations and Benefits

First is to state that most of us would consider this statement to be out of order and insensible. However, I would like to declare it a natural truth because it determines the fate of all men and women. In a bid to show this, I will evaluate the quote with an aim of describing the quote.

This quote basis its meaning on the fact that everybody can achieve whatever he/she wishes to accomplish. The quote, thus, suggests that the success of a person is irrespective of their fate (Hill, 2000). It, therefore, restores hopes and motivates every person who believes that one cannot succeed in life due to their present status quo or financial ability.

The quote is of utmost literal significance. This is because it equalizes everybody in the face of success. We all understand that fear and indecision have induced failure on humankind. On this light, the quote arms everybody above fear and indecision in their life and restores their confidence in making their personal and organizational decisions. It urges us to accept the past without any traces of regrets, handle the present with immense confidence but yet remaining focused into their better future.

In the past, we have seen many people who have been less merited in the community, but they later turn up to be the guardians of the brilliant ideas we have today (Hills, 1937). It is through this quote that holds a timeless truth that we can work together, since it makes us believe that everybody is crucial and hence should be respected. In this mood, we encourage cooperation and unity among human kind. As a result, we are able to share a joint vision and simultaneously enter into an agreeable dream.

The quote can be interpreted to mean that people have their unrevealed capabilities. Everybody has a unique ability, which is specific to him/her. It implies that success is not unidirectional. Instead, everyone plays his/her own role in a unique way. It also suggests that each person can make a kind contribution in his little space since s/he is worth living.

Every time I think about this quote, it makes my attitudes and believes better than they have been. It is through this quote that I am able to believe in myself, my abilities and feel worthy in front of others. The quote also gives a meaning to every passing hour in which I live with other people because it prompts me that I am not perfect. It gives me a reason to live with other people and treat them with respect. The quote also makes me understand that everybody is fighting a war in a distinct way. This implies that we should not criticize others prematurely because they can also make it.

The quote has vast and vital lessons that have noteworthy implications on my profession. We have always had an occasion to experience the plight of many professionals who lack confidence in their actions and how they do them. They always live in fear, indecision and doubts. This has removed souls out of most famous and even influential people who hold respectable positions. It helps me to believe that I can succeed in many professions.

After understanding that everybody can make it, we can build a firm foundation in all professions. This foundation helps us to work towards living to the legacy of the famous men and women who shaped the modern history of this world. People should respect themselves concerning their abilities.

Works cited

Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Chicago, Illinois: Combined Registry Company, 1937. Print.

Hill, Napoleon. The Law of Success in 16 Lessons. New York: Wilshire Book Co, 2000. Print.

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