Critique of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Strengths and Weaknesses


Research is a complex and multi-phased process that can utilize various methods and approaches. Qualitative studies are known to apply an emergent design that can vary depending on researcher reflections on the collected knowledge and data. Polit and Beck (2015) specify that qualitative studies are based on a wide range of traditions such as historical and discourse analysis, grounded theory, and ethnography. Qualitative research critique should include the aspects of research tradition, research question, and study design. The purpose of this paper is to provide a critique of the qualitative article named “Systematic implementation of evidence‐based practice in a clinical nursing setting: A participatory action research project” which was written by the experts in evidence-based practice.

Article Analysis and Critique

A given article deals with the process and difficulties of evidence-based practice implementation in a nursing setting. The study is divided into sections according to research background, methods and design, findings, and result discussion. St. Pierre and Jackson (2014) claim that study analysis is inseparable from discussions related to data collection and involved participants which are a part of the research method. The design approach applied in this study involves participatory action research. Its main phases include observation, reflection, planning, and action.

Research Strengths

The research is based on the notions of trustworthiness and credibility. The participants of the study are the medical staff and patients of the lung unit. The data is collected by using interviews with the registered nurses and the patients, as well as focus-group discussions related to the research question. Some researchers state that the credibility of research is enhanced by the experience of the researcher in the study field (Cope, 2014). The researchers of the discussed study are the experts in evidence-based practice and struggle to find new approaches to its successful implementation.

To reach a satisfactory level of reliability, the triangulation method is used. It is noted that triangulation is defined as multiple resources and data used to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the problem in qualitative research (Carter, Bryant-Lukosius, DiCenso, Blythe, & Neville, 2014). This study includes such approaches to data collection as observations, interviews, discussions, and written reflections. Multiple sources used for data collection included nurses, patients, analytical notes, and written documents.

Research Weaknesses

Although several insights were developed to make an evidence-based practice more adaptive to implementation in the practical clinical setting, the main weakness of the conducted research is that it is limited to a specific lung unit. Some researchers emphasize that “reliability makes replication possible, although qualitative researchers themselves recognize induction is difficult (or even impossible) to maintain with replication” (Morse, 2015, p. 1216). The researchers also claim that they did not take into account the specific needs of the patients in a given clinical setting (Friesen‐Storms, Moser, Loo, Beurskens, & Bours, 2015). The discharge protocol was noted to make further obstacles in implementing evidence-based practice. Thus, many specific aspects related to EBP implementation remained uncovered.


The paper discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the article about difficulties in the implementation of evidence-based practice in the lung unit. The authors of the article seem to be competent specialists in a given field. Still, the research has some limitations as to the application of its results as the results of EBP implementation might vary depending on the clinical setting.


Carter, N., Bryant-Lukosius, D., DiCenso, A., Blythe, J., & Neville, A. J. (2014). The use of triangulation in qualitative research. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(5), 545-547.

Cope, D. G. (2014). Methods and meanings: Credibility and trustworthiness of qualitative research. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(1), 89-91.

Friesen‐Storms, J. H., Moser, A., Loo, S., Beurskens, A. J., & Bours, G. J. (2015). Systematic implementation of evidence‐based practice in a clinical nursing setting: A participatory action research project. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(1-2), 57-68.

Morse, J. M. (2015). Critical analysis of strategies for determining rigor in qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Health Research, 25(9), 1212-1222.

Polit D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2016). Resource manual for nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

St. Pierre, E. A., & Jackson, A. Y. (2014). Qualitative data analysis after coding. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(6), 715-719.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 26). Critique of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Strengths and Weaknesses.

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StudyCorgi. "Critique of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Strengths and Weaknesses." December 26, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Critique of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Strengths and Weaknesses." December 26, 2020.

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