Executive Excellence Awards Overview

The Executive Excellence Awards is the annual leadership event that recognizes executives who have guided their companies to success with consistent and extraordinary leadership. In 2016, Seattle Business magazine honored 14 local business leaders with “Executive Excellence Awards” (Truzzi, 2016). I enjoyed all the brief stories describing those leaders’ efforts to enhance productivity and improve the lives of various people in their communities. I have chosen two different leaders whose activities looked equally fascinating to me. If I were to write a letter of congratulations to them, I would undoubtedly praise them for the efforts that I find extremely important for creating a proper atmosphere in the community and promoting certain values.

Mark Okazaki, who is an executive director at Neighborhood House, has contributed tremendously to housing affordability in some communities in Seattle. What is more important, he constantly focuses on helping people who are currently at risk. Okazaki strongly believes that poverty has an enormous influence on people’s mentality and their future. Children living in poverty are especially vulnerable and are at high risk of falling behind in their studies. Moreover, most of the people provided with affordable housing are immigrants and refugees, who often had traumatic experiences that motivated them to leave their countries.

Arthur Rubinfeld is a Chief Creative Officer at Starbucks. He returned to Starbucks in 2008 and has implemented numerous changes since then. Rubinfeld promoted green efforts as an integral part of the company’s activity. The use of wood, metal, glass, and other organic materials helped distinguish the company as one of the industry’s pioneers in sustainability. Emphasizing the bond between agriculture, farmers and consumers created the right appeal. What is more, Rubinfeld contributed to the integration of local design and craftsmanship into the cafes.

I suppose that mentioning my desire to work for such leaders in a letter of congratulations alongside the praise of them is justifiable if proper reasoning is provided. It is crucial to explain that my motivation originates from the wish to make the world a better place by contributing on a daily basis. Giving some insights into my background can provide an extra explanation. Moreover, it is important to put emphasis on those leader’s activities and the possible ways I can contribute rather than on their achievements and status.


Truzzi, G. The 2016 Executive Excellence Awards. Seattle Business Magazine. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Executive Excellence Awards Overview." February 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/executive-excellence-awards-overview/.


StudyCorgi. "Executive Excellence Awards Overview." February 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/executive-excellence-awards-overview/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Executive Excellence Awards Overview." February 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/executive-excellence-awards-overview/.

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