Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury

Understanding Cochlear Implants: Definition and Function

I find it inspiring and powerful when persons with certain conditions can find strength and motivation in them, especially when they are considered to be disabled or diseases by others. The documentary Sound and Fury discusses how individuals with and without deafness perceive this phenomenon and view the opportunity of getting a cochlear implant. The latter is a small electronic device that is implanted surgically into a person’s inner ear for hearing improvement (“Sound and Fury 2000 (sottotitoli in italiano)”00:05:54). Although it does not allow a deaf person to hear all the sounds naturally, it still offers valuable hearing sensations.

The Most Resonant Part of the Movie: Personal Reflection

A part of the documentary that resonates with me most is when Heather’s father describes how the deaf world is not less beautiful and loved than the world of those who can hear and speak. It is truly inspiring to see that many deaf people are not devastated and do not think that their lives are miserable (“Sound and Fury 2000” 00:02:30-00:02:55). I would compare his views with the perceptions of the Paralympic Games’ participants, who can also be motivated and engaged despite differing from others.

The Least Resonant Part of the Movie: Personal Reflection

However, the part that does not resonate with me is Heather’s father’s firm opposition to the implant and the opportunities it offers to the deaf community. If the girl gets the cochlear implant, it will not mean she is no longer a part of the deaf world. Instead, she will be welcome in both worlds, and her life experiences will improve. I understand her parents’ concerns, but they are somewhat selfish in not allowing Heather to get what millions of other humans have.

Raising a Deaf Child: Approaches and Considerations

If I had a deaf child, I would probably insert the implant only if there was more robust and long-term evidence of this surgical intervention being entirely safe. I did not insert the implant, but later, my child asked me to let them do that. In this case, I would decide to wait a year and agree if their desire did not disappear. At the same time, in an ideal situation, I would choose my child to be a part of both worlds and use all possible forms of communication.

Work Cited

Sound and Fury 2000 (sottotitoli in italiano).” YouTube, uploaded by Associazione Mente e Coscienza ONLUS. 2018. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 10). Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury. https://studycorgi.com/exploring-deaf-identity-and-cochlear-implants-in-sound-and-fury/

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury'. 10 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/exploring-deaf-identity-and-cochlear-implants-in-sound-and-fury/.


StudyCorgi. "Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/exploring-deaf-identity-and-cochlear-implants-in-sound-and-fury/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Exploring Deaf Identity and Cochlear Implants in Sound and Fury." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/exploring-deaf-identity-and-cochlear-implants-in-sound-and-fury/.

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