The direct practice improvement (DPI) project is dedicated to fall prevention in hospitals among patients older than 65. In some cases, falls have serious consequences, such as a broken bone or brain concussion. Older people are especially prone to falls due to their fragility, illnesses, and side effects of prescribed medications. Therefore, the development of a project that would minimize the frequency of falls among senior citizens is an essential step toward improving the provided healthcare services.
The Christian worldview is deeply integrated into the described DPI project. More precisely, the project reflects such critical Christian values as service and compassion. The project’s goal is to help older adults by establishing such conditions in a hospital that would minimize the possibility of falling. The development of this project illustrates caring for others and commiseration with their needs and troubles. Older people cannot take care of themselves and independently improve the quality of medical services. Hence, it is the responsibility of nurses to be compassionate and not to ignore their needs.
In the Christian worldview, a lot of attention is paid to the importance of every living creature’s life, from the simplest one to a human being. Assisting older people to avoid falls illustrates that the author admits the value of their lives and the value of protecting and improving these lives. The DPI project on fall prevention is about the candid service to others and working for the benefit of others. The project reflects an important Christian idea that all people are brothers and sisters and, therefore, the sufferings of others could not be ignored (Matthew 12:48-50). The project demonstrates purity of purpose and a sincere willingness of the author to help surround people gratuitously.
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (2016). Crossway.