Family Theory: “A Day Late and a Dollar Short” by McMillan, T.

The nature of interaction among individuals in a family setting is an initiative that prominently faces dynamic elements. One of the critical factors that influences personality development is socio-cultural practices. In this case, it is vital to establish the distinctive elements that foster the bond between people from a nuclear setting. An excellent example of the influence of the concept is a depiction of Viola Price’s family bond in the novel “A day late and a dollar short” (McMillan, 2004). The outcome from the relation fosters resultant character traits and human behavior. There is an interdependent relationship between a person’s temperament and the social environment.

Viola’s family encounters an apt challenge to forming a strong bond in the novel due to the limited interaction time. The plot of the novel features symbolic interactionism among members of the household. It is evident that the siblings uphold dynamic values regarding mentoring their children; individualism is the pillar of self-awareness (McMillan, 2004). Primarily, the theory indicates that the emergence of society entails the cumulation of shared principles. The critical duty and responsibility of an entity entail an indication of dynamic influence on mores and virtues. In this case, there is a profound disparity among the characters in the narrative despite Viola’s effort to foster a functional relationship.

Viola is married to Cecil with four grown children living in different parts of the nation. The couple celebrates thirty-eight years, and their kids include Charlotte, Lewis, Paris, and Janelle. Although Viola shares the pride of a family, she articulates that marriage life is tough in addition to the birth of the juveniles (McMillan, 2004). Viola learns the behavioral pattern of her children and articulates that the different beings feature dynamic traits across the social spectrum.

The matriarch plays a crucial role in comprehending the environmental condition during the upbringing of the offsprings. Although the youngsters attained adept moral behavior, the siblings developed variant personalities and interactive index towards other people (McMillan, 2004). Akin to the family theoretical construct, the children grow up with a dynamic overview concerning the essence of a bond within a nuclear setting. Parents’ responsibility is to establish core entities that enhance moral learning behavior and effective relationship-building. However, Viola and Cecil focused on educating the kids with minimal mentorship on the basics of life involving intensifying social capital for suitable self-awareness.

Capitalism is a phenomenon significantly attributed to the resultant disparate family relations among the members. According to Viola, Cecil worked significantly hard to feed and educate the kids despite the eventual neglect (McMillan, 2004). In this case, her husband was eventually subdued to the pressure of living in the household and the intensified responsibilities hence abandoning the counterparts. The social interactionism framework enshrines identifying elements that make up society. Therefore, the critical value of promoting cohesion among individuals in a household involves a peculiar understanding of the diverse personalities and perceptions concerning the interdependent relationship.

The consequence of social learning environment encapsulates integrating distinct measures in promoting individualism. In the novel, Paris is characterized as a hypocrite seeking credit based on the association with a silent female lion. She focuses on assisting the siblings based on dynamic life challenges but fails to acknowledge the distinctive problems at a personal and household level (McMillan, 2004). It is evident Paris struggles to maintain her image to her siblings and parents due to the addiction to prescription drugs. Apart from the divorce, her seventeen-year-old son impregnates a White girlfriend, intensifying the pressure to appreciate family unity and bond.

Lewis encounters distinct challenges based on the adept socio-cultural values in a different spectrum. Although Viola perceives Lewis as a horse, the individual attains dynamic experiences based on erratic behavior. As a frequent law offender and dependent person to the siblings, he eventually reforms based on the outlying essence of appreciating the bond in the household (McMillan, 2004). However, his childhood sexual abuse attributes to the difficulty in upholding functional relationships with other people, such as the ex-wife. A different factor that fosters Lewis’ transformation is the ex-wife’s husband’s intention to adopt his son. The phenomenon significantly affects Lewis’ personality and mental health due to the relatively negative experience as a kid. The consequences of his encounters as a youngster contributed to the dynamic human behavioral phenomenon. Therefore, the distinctive challenges foster a phenomenal overview concerning social learning and the institution interactionalism framework.

Family relationships significantly contribute to an individual’s quality of living due to the dynamic accrual emotional and psychological support system. The spectrum provides emotive emotional circumstances such as happiness and stress. An excellent example is the obligation of family care, the parents’ aging, and the increasing care needs. On the one hand, family members enjoy the social security status under the household care umbrella. On the other hand, the family members become accountable to the aging and sick individuals’ needs. Social network refers to the different structures of an individual. A capital-based framework highly impacts the quality of connectivity among persons (McMillan, 2004). Therefore, Viola’s family members focus on strengthening the relationship to boost the functionality based on the association’s specific rules.

Human beings are social, and capital affects the growth and development of an individual. On the one hand, domestic violence risks exposing a child to learning the negative moral values in resolving issues and disputes. On the other hand, the intentional aggression towards people renders the realization of the importance of rehabilitative behavior akin to Lewis’s resolution (McMillan, 2004). The theory contributes to understanding the influential aspect of the therapeutic environment. It is essential that families focus on the implementation of initiatives that enhance the effective ideologies in problem-solving. Apart from the mainframe from the social learning concept, it is the responsibility of the community to establish institutions to boost the health and rehabilitative surrounding for addicts. Addiction negatively influences networking among persons due to the reliance on adequate financing for drugs. In this case, it is essential to incorporate metaparadigm treatment to elevate the quality of living and connectivity among members of the same household.

It is evident with Lewis’ social status involving various encounters with law enforcement that the family experienced problems in mentorship and the role of the parents during the upbringing. The depiction of Lewis’ personality affirms the conceptual framework on social learning involving the influence of environmental conditions. According to McMillan (2004), Charlotte and Lewis portray a sense of entitlement due to the poorly perceived teenage experiences. It is the responsibility of parents to establish initiatives that promote cohesion and mentorship among the household members. The divergent attitude among the siblings highly affected the intensification of family bonds and relations.

Human behavior reflects the practiced principles within a household hence the importance of intensifying disciplining and relationship-building. Viola understands the key drawback during the parenting experience after encountering the challenges the children undergo as adults (McMillan, 2004). Although none of the kids successfully married, they demonstrate a sense of independence apart from Janelle, whose life depends on the decisions of the siblings. Notably, it is vital to establish the interdependence between personality and the socio-cultural frameworks advocating for build-up in the social network and capital. The narrative affirms the importance of strong bonds within a nuclear setting in a household due to the attribution in personality.

In conclusion, the novel is a narrative founded upon the essence of family theory, symbolic interactionism. The primary role of a household encapsulates establishing an effective social platform to learn more and virtues within the environment. The perspective renders individualism hence the emergence of distinct approaches in promoting essential mainframe on developing a strong support system. Different individuals uphold dynamic socio-cultural practices hence the importance of determining the inherent factors improving the living quotient. Viola and Cecil struggle in raising the children but eventually, the marriage crumbles. The poor connection among the counterparts led to the challenging personality traits among the siblings and the insignificant importance of relationship-building. Lewis is an excellent example of the consequence of childhood sexual abuse. It is the responsibility of parents to incorporate moral and virtuous practices within the nuclear family setting. Symbolic interactionalism asserts the perceptive aspect regarding the importance of social capital in enhancing self-awareness among people. Additionally, the mainframe renders individualism within the constraints of a social position in a family.


McMillan, T. (2004). A day late and a dollar short. Berkley.

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