Buyer Behavior Model & Fitbit: Influences on Consumer Choices


The Buyer Behavior Model is a useful tool that represents the various influences affecting consumer behavior and purchase decisions. The model includes external and situational influences, as well as internal factors and processes that result in the purchase and evaluation of a particular product. The present paper will apply the Buyer Behavior Model to Fitbit products to explain the forces that drive customers to buy them.

Buyer Behavior Model Application

Situational Influences

According to the Buyer Behavior Model, outlined by Burnett (2011), situational influences include factors such as market offerings, demographics, and the complexity of the buying task. Firstly, Fitbit operates in a highly competitive environment, and thus the customers see a lot of market offerings in a range of prices and can choose something that suits their needs and budget. Demographics also play a role in customers’ purchase decisions. Fitbit is particularly popular among young people aged 25-40, who have a medium income and have a higher education degree. Customers from this group would be more likely to buy Fitbit products without hesitation. Another essential factor in situational influences is the complexity of the buying task. As noted by Burnett (2011), it is determined by the price of the product, the range of alternatives available, the customers’ needs, and their budget. Purchasing a Fitbit product would be a moderately complex buying decision due to the prices and the range of alternatives available.

External Influences

External influences include culture, social class, and reference groups. The cultural environment in developed countries works in favor of Fitbit, as many aspects of our culture promote health and fitness, thus supporting companies operating in this sector (Andreasson & Johansson, 2014). Social class, however, might influence the company’s global development. Fitbit products are generally aimed at people from the upper-middle class, which is shrinking in the United States and some other parts of the world (Schwartz, 2017). Nevertheless, the reference group for Fitbit products – young, educated people with medium income, who are interested in their health – is rather large. The company would benefit from reaching this group using social media and online advertisements. For instance, placing product ads with famous fitness bloggers on Instagram would influence purchase intentions of people in the reference group, thus increasing the popularity of the product.

Internal Influences and Processes

Psychological characteristics are the key internal influences that lead to decision-making. The first characteristic that shapes purchase decisions regarding Fitbit products is socialization. In most social settings, including education, work, and family, health and fitness are frequent topics, which causes people to focus on improving their lifestyle. In particular, body image is often impacted by socialization, leading to lifestyle changes. As a result, more people adopt a healthy lifestyle in an attempt to lose weight or be more physically fit. Lifestyle and motivation, in turn, also impact purchase decisions, as they cause people to buy products supporting their new lifestyle, such as Fitbit fitness trackers.

According to the Buyer Behavior model, a combination of external influences, situational influences, and psychological characteristics form the foundation for decision making. At this stage, people find information about the product, research its benefits, and compare it to alternatives. If a particular Fitbit product can fulfill their needs better than fitness trackers or smartwatches offered by competitors, they make a purchase.


Overall, the Buyer Behavior model is a useful tool in explaining the purchase decisions of customers. It allows recognizing all of the factors contributing to consumer behavior and buying intentions. Most importantly, it enables the company to understand how to approach its potential customers more effectively in order to promote favorable purchase decisions.


Andreasson, J., & Johansson, T. (2014). The fitness revolution. Historical transformations in the global gym and fitness culture. Sport Science Review, 23(3-4), 91-111.

Burnett, J. (2011). Introducing marketing. Zurich, Switzerland: The Jacobs Foundation.

Schwartz, N. D. (2017). Middle class contracted in U.S. over 2 decades, study finds. The New York Times. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 26). Buyer Behavior Model & Fitbit: Influences on Consumer Choices.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Buyer Behavior Model & Fitbit: Influences on Consumer Choices." June 26, 2021.

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