A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties


While the roles of nurses of all types are similar in a way that they all deal with treating patients, some differences may be outlined. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse practitioner, whose duties include caring for patients of all age groups and promoting well-being and health education. This paper aims to illustrate a type of organization where an FNP can work, including the kind and quantity of expected clients, the role of the nurse in these conditions, and the existence of establishments that support this position.

Type of Organization

In contrast to other types of nurse practitioners (NPs), FNPs usually work in clinics that provide ambulatory care. NPs can work in hospitals, treating admitted patients on the spot. However, FNPs are often present in small or large community clinics and private practices, where they provide care on an outpatient basis (Nurse Journal, 2017). Outpatient care includes many activities such as diagnosis, consultation, intervention, observation, and rehabilitation.

These services are also complemented by preventative practices and promotion of well-being. Such organizations can be situated in various parts of the country, but many FNPs find themselves working in rural areas and underserved communities. Therefore, the type of organization in which one can expect to work as an FNP is an ambulatory or a community clinic. The possibility of working in or ever operating a private practice is also present for this role. However, the state of Florida requires FNPs to work under physician delegation or supervision (Florida Board of Nursing, 2017). Thus, private practice in this state can be limited in a number of ways.

Type of Clients

Clients that one can expect while working as an FNP range in demographics and conditions. For example, FNPs can work with a family of patients where each member has his or her own health-related issue. Different ages and socioeconomic statuses are also to be expected.

However, as FNPs often work with underserved populations, some conditions may be similar due to the possible lack of health education and promotion. Moreover, the role of various cultural, societal, and familial differences also affects the type of clients that an FNP can treat. Young children, adolescents, pregnant women, and older patients can be outlined as groups, with which FNPs can work. Thus, these specialists need to acquire specific knowledge in order to treat different clients. Patients with chronic diseases may also become clients of an FNP.

The number of patients that an NFP can see in a day ranges according to the type of organization. For instance, the workload of some private practices may be not as big as that of community clinics. Therefore, FNPs can treat two or fewer clients per hour of work. On the other hand, some practices are rather busy, which means that FNPs can be expected to treat four patients every hour. On average, many nurses treat around twenty to thirty patients in an eight-hour working day (Nurse Journal, 2017). This number can change if FNPs are performing a routine check-up or treating patients with complicated issues.

Professional Fit and Nursing Role

The role of an FNP in the described settings lies in a number of primary duties. First of all, FNPs can examine patients, perform physical exams, and inquire their medical history in order to establish a final diagnosis (Nurse Journal, 2017). Moreover, FNPs can admit patients to other healthcare facilities and request various diagnostic tests. They can also interpret the results of those tests and prescribe treatments.

Under granted authority, FNPs can also prescribe medications and perform other required activities. Creating a plan of care for patients is one of the duties of an FNP as well. Finally, some nurses also can act in order to promote health awareness and education and distribute information about well-being and health safety. Therefore, FNPs are an essential part of the working process of ambulatory clinics and private practices as they perform most of the functions to treat patients. Their knowledge and functionality are vital for these organizations to continue treating patients.

Board of Nursing

In the state of Florida, the Board of Nursing supports the work of different types of nursing professionals, including the FNP. The Nurse Practice Act regulates one’s professions and occupations and provides information on such aspects as licensure, approval, and certification. This organization exists for the purpose of promoting nursing programs and creating rewards and recognition activities for nurses (Florida Board of Nursing, 2017).

Moreover, it supports the role of nurses in all medical establishments and other conditions, recommending changes that are necessary to implement in order to improve nursing practice. This board also approves nursing education programs and works to create more opportunities for nursing professionals. This organization also establishes the primary duties and limitations of NPs. For example, the rules of certification and recertification are outlined in the Nurse Practice Act.


Family nurse practitioners have a broad range of skills which allow them to work in various organizations. However, most FNPs operate in ambulatory settings, treating clients on an outpatient basis. Thus, FNPs are expected to work with different types of patients regarding their age, gender, socioeconomic status, and medical history. FNPs have many duties as they are one of the leading specialists who work in these types of establishments. They examine patients, create treatment plans, and educate clients on the topic of well-being. The Board of Nursing oversees these activities and supports nursing professionals in their work.


Florida Board of Nursing. (2017). Resources. Web.

Nurse Journal. (2017). Role & scope of practice of a family nurse practitioner. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 10). A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties. https://studycorgi.com/florida-board-of-nursing-licensing-and-professionalism/

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1. StudyCorgi. "A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/florida-board-of-nursing-licensing-and-professionalism/.


StudyCorgi. "A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/florida-board-of-nursing-licensing-and-professionalism/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Workplace and Duties." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/florida-board-of-nursing-licensing-and-professionalism/.

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