Forced Migration in the United States

Forced deportations and multiple immigration crises are concerns that have long characterized the United States. Despite significant improvements in immigration policy, border problems still exist, and only the past lessons can help determine which methods are effective and which should be abandoned. Historically, the image of Mexico propagated by the U.S. media has focused on the negative. Mexico has been portrayed as a synonym for crime and drug trafficking, a haven for recidivists from all over the region, in contrast to the United States, a country of the educated, wealthy and successful. The entrenchment of these archetypes, beloved by Hollywood, began with the American-Mexican War of 1846-1848. From that time, Mexico began to be perceived by American society as a cruel but awkward neighbor.

Moreover, racism and lax immigration controls meant that numerous citizens, even legal residents, had no official papers to prove it. Stereotypes and prejudice were also decisive factors in the failure of Mexicans to seek official registration. The results of the forced deportations 200 years ago were disastrous. Numerous families were separated, and people lost property, even though they had every right to reside in the country.

Naturally, there are noticeable differences between today’s undocumented immigrants and the Mexicans of the last century. Border crossing procedures, residency patterns, and laws have changed considerably. However, there are also numerous similarities because the crisis has not gone away, and thousands of people still experience the fear of pre-arrival and forced immigration. The southern border is not the only front on which the U.S. administration has to manage the migration crisis. The United States is leading a massive resettlement operation spanning several continents, involving tens of thousands of Afghans.

Sustained migration problems will continue, and they will challenge the near future. The past demonstrates that the issue will not disappear without precise regulation of the process. Therefore, it is necessary to finalize the legislative mechanisms and as an option to build centers like Ellis Island, which would be located on the southern border with a proper procedure of crossing and human attitude. Stereotypes are likewise a decisive factor influencing the problems of immigration, and only fighting them and disinformation can be a source of solutions to the issues.

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