The Case for Free Two-Year College Programs in the U.S.


Despite the growing body of opposing views regarding the necessity of college education for advancing in life as professionals, community colleges remain one of the most critical parts of the nation’s system of education. However, it is notable that many college students enrolled in 4-year education are unprepared or cannot afford to study that long due to economic constraints. Therefore, offering potential college students an opportunity to study in a 2-year college program that is funded by the government can be a great solution to the issue of unpreparedness and financial limitations that millions of students across the US face each year.


The example of the New York state’s program to make college tuition-free for middle-class New Yorkers through the Excelsior Scholarship shows that making education free is possible, and it is imperative to do so when there are funds available to local governments. Such programs are highly likely to alleviate the financial burden of college associated with student loans and ensure that students have broader opportunities for financial security. Making college affordable and accessible will also encourage students to graduate on time, which would increase the number of graduates from public educational facilities. It is possible to experience some minor drawbacks as some students may not stay and graduate because of the lack of financial connection to their college. However, the other side of the argument refers to the fact that cutting college time to two years from four years in such programs would encourage students to graduate on time, as longer time spent in college is associated with lower graduation rates. Overall, the potential benefit of offering free college tuitions for two-year degrees is vast, and the program should be implemented as soon as possible in as many locations throughout the United States as possible.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 5). The Case for Free Two-Year College Programs in the U.S.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Case for Free Two-Year College Programs in the U.S." June 5, 2021.

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