💌 What Is an APA Title Page?
A title page is the first page of your research work. It is essential for articles, research papers, a thesis, and some essays and should include all the introductory information. Let us look closely at the key components of the student and professional APA title pages.

Student APA title page includes:
- Title of the paper
Your paper title should carefully reflect the main idea of the writing and attract readers’ attention. Note that you need to capitalize all the major words from the title.
Effects of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health
- Name of the author
The author’s name should be introduced on a separate line from the title. If there are two authors, add “and” between their names. You need to separate each name with a comma for a group of authors and only put “and” before the last one.
Kate J. Johnson, Jan Schoppmann, and Edward Williams
- Name of the university/department
The next step is mentioning the university and department an author attends. It can also give an idea about the content of your writing.
Department of Psychology, Harvard University
- Course
One more essential element of affiliation is the course title and number. Usually, you can find a course code in a syllabus or instructional materials.
PSY 101: Health Psychology
- Name of the supervisor
It is important to mention an instructor who supervised the writing process along with an author’s name.
Dr. Joseph Brown
- The due date for the assignment
If the writing has a deadline or a due date, you should put it on the following double-spaced line after introducing the supervisor.
September 21, 2022
- Page number
Finally, remember to add a page number, “1,” in the top right corner of your title page. Note that you can do it automatically in Google docs or Microsoft Word.
👣 MLA Format Cover Page Guidelines
A title page is usually not required in MLA style. However, you might need to create one if 1) your instructor requires it and 2) you are working on a group project.
How to Do an MLA Title Page?
Want to know how to write a cover page in MLA format? Let’s go through the essential elements of this format. Here is a list of MLA cover page elements for you to know how to create one:
- Your name, The name of co-authors (for a group project),
- The name of the instructor,
- The course number and name,
- The due date for the project.
How to Format an MLA Title Page?
You must follow the specific formatting rules for an MLA title page. The following are the basic guidelines on how to make an MLA title page:
- Use double spacing.
- Keep the letters centered.
- Use the Times New Roman font style.
- Use the 12-font size.
- Capitalize every word, excluding short terms like a, an, or, in, the, end, etc.
- Place the title of the research paper and subtitle (if applicable) one-third up the page (upper section).
MLA Format Header
If your instructor does not demand you to create a separate title page for your paper, you can create a running head for the first page. Our MLA header generator will do this in a couple of clicks!
An MLA header is located on the text’s first page in the upper right-hand corner. As for the contents, a header is the same as the title page. However, it requires a different formatting style and is placed on the same page as the actual research paper text.
The MLA format header includes the paper’s title, author name (or names), and course information. The following are formatting guidelines for the MLA header that you must apply to your paper:
- Double spacing,
- Left-justified text,
- Times New Roman font,
- Font size 12,
- Right-justified page number.
Once again, you can skip creating an MLA header if you make a separate title page.
❗ Requirements for a Harvard Style Cover Page
A Harvard-style cover page is one of the most demanding styles. Its purpose is to introduce all of the information about the author. For a particular title page, you should complete the following instructions:
- Place a header and page number in the upper right corner.
- Put the title of the paper halfway down the page.
- The title must be written in capital letters.
- Write the name of the author three lines below the title.
- Provide the details about the class four lines down the author’s name.
- Put the name of the professor one line down the course details.
- Place the name of the school on the following line.
- Write the city and state name where the school is located.
- Provide the date on the last line.

You may get a low grade if you are not careful with all these formatting rules.
👉 Table of Contents for Harvard Referencing Style
What comes after a cover page? In a Harvard-style paper, you need to provide an outline of your work with all the subsections.
- The title. Write the word Outline or Table of Contents and place it in the center of the page in the first line.
- The numbered list. Use a numbered list to put all the headings of your paper.
- Subheadings. Put subheadings after each heading it belongs to.
- Alignment. Make sure that you align everything to the left and capitalize headings.
✏️ Chicago Style Title Page Requirements
The title page for Chicago style is optional, but some instructors demand it. If you are required to create one, consider particular rules which are very close to the Turabian citing style. Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th ed.) is based on the Chicago Manual of Style.
A Chicago-Style Cover Page
The requirements for a Chicago title page are as follows:
- All of the text on the title needs to be center aligned.
- The text should be double-spaced.
- The text font should be consistent with the rest of the paper.
- The title should be put one-third below the page, capitalized and bold.
- If you have a subtitle, end the main title with a colon, then place the subtitle on the following line.
- About two-thirds down the page, you can include any information regarding the paper, such as code, student name, or course name.
- Do not give the title page a number; include it when writing the page count. Start the numbering from the second page.
Chicago-Style Footnotes
Footnotes and endnotes distinguish Chicago from other citing styles. Footnotes are located at the end of a page; endnotes are at the end of the text. Here are the rules for formatting footnotes.
- The first appearance of a source should be put in a complete note (containing all the details about the source).
- Footnotes should be used when you quote or paraphrase a source in the text.
- Locate a footnote at the bottom of the relevant page where you refer to the source.
- The reference number in the text should correspond to the source number in a footnote.
- Put the reference number at the end of the phrase or sentence as a superscript.
- The citation should provide the author’s name and the full title of the text.
- All these requirements apply to endnotes.
- Endnotes should be located in a separate section before the bibliography list.
You can easily make footnotes in Microsoft Word by selecting “References” and “Insert Footnote.”
🤓 Guidelines for Turabian Style Title Page
Check that your title page is correctly formatted if you want to impress your readers. To help you with that, we made the list of necessary elements and formatting requirements for the Turabian-style title page.
- The title of your paper
- The title of your research should be capitalized, centered, and located approximately one-third down the page.
- The subtitle of your paper
- The subtitle is not a necessary part of the Turabian title page. However, you might add it below the title to provide readers with a better understanding of your topic.
- Your full name
- You need to mention your first and last name near the bottom of your page.
- Course name
- Put down a class or a course name on a separate line. Check the syllabus if your course has a number, and don’t forget to mention it.
- Supervisor’s full name
- When referring to your supervisor or a teacher to whom you submit the paper, don’t miss out on their academic degree.
- The due date of your paper
The final touch is adding the date when you will submit your paper at the very bottom of the page.
- The text on your title page should be centered, double-spaced, and match the font of your work.
- Don’t put the page number on the cover of your writing. Mark the following page with the number two.
- The essential words in your paper’s title should be capitalized and written in bold. Follow the main title with a colon if you want to add a subtitle on a separate line.
- Any other information regarding your name, course, and supervisor should be added approximately ⅔ down the page. Each new piece of information starts on a separate line.
- Your paper’s due date should be presented in the following format – Month Day, Year.
Methods for Documenting Sources
Like the Chicago style, the Turabian offers two different methods of citation: author-date and the notes-bibliography. Consider their key features to see which way will suit your paper better.