Turabian Citation Machine

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Our Turabian citation machine is the perfect tool to make each research paper shine. It can benefit both students and researchers.

Your references will be automatically formatted in Turabian. Just choose the preferred source type.

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🛠️ Turabian Citation Machine - How to Use It?

Take the 4 steps below to use the tool:

  1. Choose the type of source you wish to cite. It can be a website, a book, an article, a chapter in edited books, or a social media post.
  2. Provide the necessary information in the search bar. Users can paste URLs, titles, DOI, or ISBN information.
  3. Add the information manually if there are any difficulties with your search.
  4. Click “Cite” once you’re done.

Note that you can save bibliographical lists and name them. For example, “Hamlet essay” or “Linguistics project.” Additionally, you can copy references and enable the “in-text citation” option. Users may even use the cite machine to download bibliographies in Word format.

🔥 Turabian Reference Generator Benefits

There are 4 key benefits of using our citation machine:

100% Intuitive Our tool knows what you want from a citation. All users have to do is select a style and add the necessary information. You can use prompts to guide you through this process if it's your first time using our platform.
100% Accurate We’ve spent considerable time and effort developing and fine-tuning this tool. It generates quotes that strictly follow the current versions of modern quotation styles.
100% Quick You can quickly search for citations by title, DOI, and ISBN. They can be used to find suitable sources automatically. You can also enter requests manually if you fail to find the necessary sources based on their characteristics.
100% Ad-free Our platform is entirely free of intrusive banners and video ads. You won’t have to pay to disable the ads.

📖 Turabian Format 101

Turabian is a variation of the Chicago style that specifically serves as a standard reference for college and graduate students. With the help of the Turabian style, you can make your research papers, thesis, or dissertation look academic and trustworthy.

The picture defines Turabian citation format.

The history of the Turabian style started in 1937 when Kate L. Turabian wrote her pamphlet for novice academic writers. Nowadays, we use the 9th edition, but Turabian remains the symbol of solid research questions, logical structure, and evidence-based arguments.

Like The Chicago Manual of Style, the University of Chicago Press published the Turabian format guide. The key difference is that the Turabian style was designed keeping in mind students' needs, while the Chicago manual focused on professional writers and editors.

For the 9th edition of the Turabian guide, professors J. Bizup and W. T. FitzGerald revised the book, focusing on building students' information literacy. New chapters include advice on finding, evaluating, and citing various digital sources students choose for their papers.

We also recognize the evolving use of software and its benefits and designed our free Turabian citation machine to help students create outstanding and well-crafted writings.

Turabian vs. Chicago Citation

Turabian style is often called the student version of The Chicago Manual of Style because it aims at high school and college students. The Turabian manual is much shorter but contains essential formatting details on how to cite a website, set up margins, and create a title page.

The picture compares Chicago and Turabian formatting styles.

Moreover, the Turabian format summarizes all the requirements for an academic research paper, article, thesis, or dissertation. Turabian guidelines are helpful and save time, so you don't have to read the whole Chicago manual.

💬 Turabian Citation Format

Just like Chicago, Turabian style offers a choice between two citation styles: notes and bibliography and author-date.

  • An author-date citation system is popular for natural and social sciences papers. The idea is that sources are cited directly in the text, in parentheses, after the relevant sentence of the text fragment. All the sources for the in-text citations are then collected in one reference at the end.
  • Notes and bibliography format is especially popular in the humanities. The citations appear in footnotes or endnotes and correspond with a bibliography at the end of the text.
The picture illustrates the two Turabian citation methods.

The below sections explain how Turabian citations and references should be formatted.

General Guidelines

If you decide to write an academic paper in Turabian style, follow these general format guidelines:

  • Use a standard font Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Double-space the whole text except for the bibliography. You only need to leave one line between each entry in the bibliography.
  • Use 1-inch margins on each side.
  • Indent the first sentence in each paragraph by ½ inch.
  • Put page numbers in the top right or bottom center.
The picture contains Turabian formatting guidelines.

Note that your university might have different academic paper requirements, so double-checking is better.

Turabian Title Page

A title page isn't mandatory in the Turabian style. However, it helps attract readers' attention, so we recommend including it in your paper if you are allowed.

Here're the essential requirements:

  1. The title and subtitle appear one-third of the way down the page.
  2. Your name, the instructor's name, the date, and class information appear two-thirds down the page on separate lines.
  3. Don't stylize the text. It should be standard, center-aligned, and double-spaced.
  4. The title page doesn't contain the page number and isn't included in the total count.

Check with your instructor if you need to include the title page and consider using our Turabian title page generator.

Generating Turabian Author-Date Citation

Turabian Author-Date In-Text Citation

As we said, in Turabian author-date style, you cite sources in parentheses in the text. To quote or rephrase a fragment from a book or a scholarly article in your paper, you should put down the author's last name and the year of publication, with no punctuation marks.

(Miller 2020)

However, if you refer to a specific text fragment (when quoting or paraphrasing), you should also add a page number or page range. The page number takes place after a comma, and an en dash separates the first and last page.

(Miller 2020, 30–36)

Besides the in-text citations, the reference list is a critical part of the Author-Date citation system.

Turabian Reference List

The reference list provides an overview of all the sources cited.

Each citation in the text should correspond with an entry in a reference list, which provides complete information on the source is provided.

Consider these general requirements for a Turabian reference list:

  • The title Reference List should be centered at the top of the page.
  • 2 blank lines should separate the title and the first entry.
  • All the entries are left-aligned and separated by one black line.

Have a look some examples of Turabian reference list entries below.


Greenfield, Sayre, and Linda Troost. 2000. Jane Austen in Hollywood. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky.

Book Chapter

Dole, Carol M. 2001. "Austen, Class, and the American Market." In Jane Austen in Hollywood, edited by Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield, 58–78. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.


Ferguson, Frances. 200 "Jane Austen, Emma, and the Impact of Form." MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly 61, no. 1: 157-180. muse.jhu.edu/article/22847.


Southam, Brian C. 1999. "Jane Austen | Biography, Books, Movies, & Facts." Encyclopedia Britannica, May 4, 1999. https://www.britannica.com/summary/Jane-Austen.

Generating Turabian Notes and Bibliography Citation

Footnotes vs. Endnotes

Each time you paraphrase or quote a source in your text, you should put a superscript number which will lead to a footnote or endnote containing more information.

  • Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page with the sentences they refer to.
  • Endnotes should be on a separate page, just before the bibliography. On the top of the endnotes page, there should be the title "Notes" centered.

You should check with your professor or university requirements when choosing between the footnotes and endnotes.

Make sure you use one option consistently throughout the text, and don't mix it with another one.

Bibliography in Turabian Style

The bibliography is a part of the Turabian paper that lists complete information on all the books, scholarly articles, and other sources used in your text. It takes place at the end of the paper and provides bibliography entries in alphabetized order, according to authors' last names.

Each bibliography unit is listed separately, with a hanging indent applied. This formatting helps readers navigate through the bibliography easier.

Notes and Bibliography Examples


Footnote/Endnote Bibliography entry
Devin Goldsmith, The Influence of Connectedness to Nature on the Benefits of Nature Exposure (Allentown: Muhlenberg College, 2021), 518. Goldsmith, Devin. The Influence of Connectedness to Nature on the Benefits of Nature Exposure. Allentown: Muhlenberg College, 2021.

Book Chapter

Footnote/Endnote Bibliography entry
Arpi Movsesian, "Love and Authority: Love Poetry and Its Critics," in Love and Its Critics: From the Song of Songs to Shakespeare and Milton's Eden, 1st ed., (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017), 1-36. Movsesian, Arpi. "Love and Authority: Love Poetry and Its Critics," in Love and Its Critics: From the Song of Songs to Shakespeare and Milton's Eden, 1st ed., 1–36. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017.


Footnote/Endnote Bibliography entry
Lauren Soth, "Van Gogh's Agony." The Art Bulletin 68, no. 2 (1986): 301–13. https://doi.org/10.2307/3050939. Soth, Lauren. "Van Gogh's Agony." The Art Bulletin 68, no. 2 (1986): 301–13. https://doi.org/10.2307/3050939.


Footnote/Endnote Bibliography entry
Ehis Osifo, "Most Beautiful Lines In Literature And Poetry," BuzzFeed, June 12, 2021, https://www.buzzfeed.com/ehisosifo1/most-beautiful-lines-literature-poetry. Osifo, Ehis. "Most Beautiful Lines In Literature And Poetry." BuzzFeed. June 12, 2021. https://www.buzzfeed.com/ehisosifo1/most-beautiful-lines-literature-poetry.

🎁 Turabian 9th Edition - What's New About It?

We will cover a few changes that appeared with the new 9th edition of the Turabian style manual.

  • Turabian 9th edition discourages using the abbreviation "ibid." Before, it was used instead of giving a full citation for all the subsequent citations from the same source. In the newest version, it's recommended to use the short citation instead.
  • Newest edition of the Turabian style doesn't require a writer to include access dates for online sources with the publication date or the last modified date mentioned.
  • Turabian 9th edition discourages the use of location numbers that occur in electronic versions of books. Instead, using a chapter's pages or a chapter's title is recommended.
  • In the recent version of the Turabian manual, more citation examples of online sources were added, including blogs and social media posts.

If you find it difficult to keep up with all the changes in Turabian style, don't worry. You can always use our free Turabian style citation machine to ensure your paper meets all the academic requirements.

Thank you for reading this Turabian format guideline! Note that we’ve also prepared similar tools and instructions for MLA, Chicago AD, Chicago NB, Harvard, and APA.

❓Turabian Style Citation Machine FAQ

❓ What is Turabian style?

The Turabian format is a version of the Chicago style explicitly written for students and researchers. The Turabian manual provides extra guidelines for research papers, theses, and dissertations. Within the Turabian style, writers use two citation formats: author-date and notes and bibliography.

❓ What does Turabian citation look like?

In Turabian style, citations can be formatted as full or short notes. While a short note only contains the author's last name and the shortened version of the title and page range, full notes provide all the bibliography information, including the publisher and date.

❓ What is the Turabian style used for?

Turabian style is a version of the Chicago style explicitly designed for high school and university students. It includes the guidelines on paper formatting and structure and the details on grammar and punctuation. Many students use the Turabian style for writing research papers, articles, theses, and dissertations.

❓ How do in-text citations in Turabian?

You should use an in-text citation to avoid plagiarism when citing or paraphrasing a literary source. In-text citations are put in parentheses at the end of the sentence they refer to. The in-text citation must include the author's first name, last name, title, and year.


🔗 References