Free Mission Generator
for Students

Mission statement result

    If you've never had to write a business purpose before, you probably have many questions now. What is it? Who needs to write it, and why? We’ll have a look at the basics in a moment.

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    ✅ Mission Statement Generator: How to Use

    Are you a student in a business school?

    Are you an entrepreneur setting yourself up for a good start in your future business career?

    Whatever the case, our free business mission generator is here to help you generate a remarkable mission statement.

    All you need to do is to complete these steps:

    1. Write the company’s name into the field.
    2. Answer the “What do you do?” question.
    3. Answer the “Which word describes your work best?” question. You can choose up to three words from the list.
    4. Answer the “What do you want to reach?” question. You can add up to three points.

    Feel free to use our business mission generator as many times as you want—no payment or sign-up is required!

    🚀 Mission Statement Basics

    What Does a Mission Statement Mean?

    A mission statement describes an organization's goal, operations, and purpose. It also explains how it serves customers and what products or services it provides. A mission statement should answer the questions of "what," "why," and "who."

    Importance of a Mission Statement

    From this section, you’ll find out why a mission statement is important.

    The picture describes the functions of a mission statement.

    A mission statement serves multiple purposes:

    1. It helps the organization stand out from the competition.
    2. A well-made mission statement can highlight the company's benefits for the customers.
    3. It also lets employees understand the purpose of their job and helps them know the perks of working for the organization.

    Mission Statement vs. Vision Statement vs. Value Statement

    A mission statement may get mixed up with a vision or value statement. But these three are not the same.

    🎯 Mission statement 💎 Value statement 👁️ Vision statement
    Defines a company's goals, what it does, and for whom. Presents a company's core values and explains how it plans to fulfill its mission ethically. Focuses on the future of the company and its impact on people’s lives.

    ✍️ How to Write a Mission Statement

    Writing a business mission statement requires more than paper and a pen. A person entrusted with writing it must take specific steps, collect information, and draw conclusions.

    Need help with how to start writing your mission statement? Have a look at the simple step-by-step process below.

    The picture describes the elements of writing a mission statement.

    Step 1 - Identify What the Organization Does

    Describe what kind of product or service the organization provides. Try to be as precise as possible. For example, if it is a bags company, its purpose is to sell bags.

    Step 2 - Describe the Processes and Workflow

    Now, you should break down how the company does what it does. You don't have to list every detail; it's better to focus on the general processes instead. For example, the company might strive to protect the environment, make high-quality goods, encourage creativity, or focus on customer service.

    Step 3 - State the Reasons Why the Organization Does It

    Think of the reasons why the company was started. What was its initial aim? For instance, the company’s purpose might be to produce high-quality eco-friendly bags with creative designs.

    Step 4 - Make a Statement

    Finally, it's time to put everything together. Remember that a mission statement represents the organization to people who are not necessarily familiar with it. That's why you need to make sure everyone will be able to understand the message.

    ✨ Tips on Writing a Mission Statement

    If you want to make your mission statement even better, check out the tips we've gathered for you!

    • Find out employees' opinions. If possible, ask the company's employees what they think of the company and its purpose. A mission statement represents them, too, so it makes sense for it to also reflect their opinion.
    • your statement short and straight to the point. You don't need to write a paragraph about the organization and its purpose. Keep the message brief and precise.
    • Don't limit it. Whether it is a restriction to a specific geographical area, age, or any other group, it limits the organization's abilities. For example, instead of writing, "it produces the best bags for young people," you can describe it as "the company that produces high-quality bags for an affordable price."
    • Check with the local laws. You may find this surprising, but some states are pretty specific when it comes to business purpose statements. Make sure you stay in line with all of their requirements.

    Business Purpose Statement Checklist

    Once you have written your business purpose statement, examine it once again and answer the following questions:

    Does the statement demonstrate that there’s room for growth and improvement inside the company and the environment surrounding it?
    Do you feel inspired reading it, and will others feel the same way? Does it create an image of a better reality for everyone?
    Does it express the purpose of the company clearly?
    Can the statement be shortened without taking away from the message?
    Is it clear, meaningful, and memorable?

    If the answer is "yes," then congratulations: you've created a perfect mission statement!

    🤩 Free Mission Statement Examples

    Do you want to gain some more inspiration? Then, check out these mission statement examples below.

    Company name Mission Statement Why is it good?
    Lego To inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow A wonderful play of words is used in this purpose statement, alluding to the fact that building a house out of plastic blocks will inspire your child to be a builder of tomorrow.
    Airbnb We help people to belong anywhere It's a beautiful sentiment, but if you dig deeper, it becomes even better because it's not just about feeling comfy everywhere you go. It's also about feeling welcome and not being judged for who you are.
    Patagonia Patagonia is in business to save our home planet Patagonia has had fantastic business purpose statements from the very beginning. This newer version really hits the nail on the head, referring to one of the most painful topics of today— saving this planet we call home.

    Now you're well-equipped to write your business purpose statement or save time by using our free business purpose generator.

    Don’t forget to check out our research problem generator and research hypothesis generator, too!

    ❓ Mission Statement Generator FAQ

    ❓ What are the 3 parts of a mission statement?

    A business mission statement generally consists of 3 parts:

    1. The description of what the company does,
    2. Explanation of the way it does it,
    3. The reason why it does it.

    ❓ How do I create my mission statement?

    To make a mission statement, follow these steps:

    1. Identify what the company does.
    2. Describe its workflow and main processes.
    3. Identify the reason the company does what it does.
    4. Put it all together.

    ❓ What is a good mission statement example?

    “Provide people of all ages with eco-friendly bags of exceptional designs.” It is a good mission statement example because it's short and straight to the point. It explains the purpose of the company and makes it stand out.

    ❓ What should you avoid in a mission statement?

    The mission statement focuses on the company's purpose, so you should avoid mentioning the company's ethics or future plans. Try to explain the company's operations and purpose. You should also describe the company's products or services and how it serves customers.


    🔗 References