Research Hypothesis Generator Online

Research group 1 will be your subject (i.e., what (or whom) the sentence is about).
Relevant variable will be your predicate (i.e., what the subject does). Start with a verb that correlates with your subject in terms of grammatical number.
Predicted outcome will be your object.
Research group 2 with its relevant variable.
Research hypothesis result
    Hint - choose either null or alternative hypothesis

    👍 Hypothesis Maker: the Benefits

    Here are the key benefits of this null and alternative hypothesis generator.

    👌 User-friendly Use the prompts and examples to write a hypothesis.
    🎯 Tunable The more details you add, the more accurate result you’ll get.
    🌐 Online No need to download any software with this hypothesis writer.
    🆓 No payments The hypothesis creator is 100% free, no hidden payments.

    🔎 Hypothesis Generator: How to Use It?

    Whenever you conduct research, whether a 5-paragraph essay or a more complex assignment, you need to create a hypothesis for this study.

    Clueless about how to create a good hypothesis?

    No need to waste time and energy on this small portion of your writing process! You can always use our hypothesis creator to get a researchable assumption in no time.

    To get a ready-made hypothesis idea, you need to:

    • State the object of your study
    • Specify what the object does
    • Lay out the outcome of that activity
    • Indicate the comparison group

    Once all data is inserted into the fields, you can press the “Generate now” button and get the result from our hypothesis generator for research paper or any other academic task.

    🕵️ What Is a Research Hypothesis?

    A hypothesis is your assumption based on existing academic knowledge and observations of the surrounding natural world.

    The picture describes what is hypothesis.

    It also involves a healthy portion of intuition because you should arrive at an interesting, commonsense question about the phenomena or processes you observe.

    The traditional formula for hypothesis generation is an “if…then” statement, reflecting its falsifiability and testability.

    What do these terms mean?

    • Testability means you can formulate a scientific guess and test it with data and analysis.
    • Falsifiability is a related feature, allowing you to refute the hypothesis with data and show that your guess has no tangible support in real-world data.

    For example, you might want to hypothesize the following:

    If children are given enough free play time, their intelligence scores rise quicker.

    You can test this assumption by observing and measuring two groups – children involved in much free play and those who don’t get free play time. Once the study period ends, you can measure the intelligence scores in both groups to see the difference, thus proving or disproving your hypothesis, which will be testing your hypothesis. If you find tangible differences between the two groups, your hypothesis will be proven, and if there is no difference, the hypothesis will prove false.

    Null and Alternative Hypothesis

    As a rule, hypotheses are presented in pairs in academic studies, as your scientific guess may be refuted or proved. Thus, you should formulate two hypotheses – a null and alternative variant of the same guess – to see which one is proved with your experiment.

    The picture compares null and alternative hypotheses.

    The alternative hypothesis is formulated in an affirmative form, assuming a specific relationship between variables. In other words, you hypothesize that the predetermined outcome will be observed if one condition is met.

    Watching films before sleep reduces the quality of sleep.

    The null hypothesis is formulated in a negative form, suggesting that there is no association between the variables of your interest. For example:

    Watching films before sleep doesn’t affect the quality of sleep.

    ⚗️ Creating a Hypothesis: the Key Steps

    The development and testing of multiple hypotheses are the basis of the scientific method.

    Without such inquiries, academic knowledge would never progress, and humanity would remain with a limited understanding of the natural world.

    How can you contribute to the existing academic base with well-developed and rigorously planned scientific studies? Here is an introduction to the empirical method of scientific inquiry.

    Step #1: Observe the World Around You

    Look around you to see what’s taking place in your academic area. If you’re a biology researcher, look into the untapped biological processes or intriguing facts that nobody has managed to explain before you.

    What’s surprising or unusual in your observations? How can you approach this area of interest?

    That’s the starting point of an academic journey to new knowledge.

    Step #2: Ask Questions

    Now that you've found a subject of interest, it's time to generate scientific research questions.

    A question can be called scientific if it is well-defined, focuses on measurable dimensions, and is largely testable.

    Some hints for a scientific question are:

    • What effect does X produce on Y?
    • What happens if the intensity of X’s impact reduces or rises?
    • What is the primary cause of X?
    • How is X related to Y in this group of people?
    • How effective is X in the field of C?

    As you can see, X is the independent variable, and Y is the dependent variable.

    This principle of hypothesis formulation is vital for cases when you want to illustrate or measure the strength of one variable's effect on the other.

    Step #3: Generate a Research Hypothesis

    After asking the scientific question, you can hypothesize what your answer to it can be.

    You don't have any data yet to answer the question confidently, but you can assume what effect you will observe during an empirical investigation.

    For example, suppose your background research shows that protein consumption boosts muscle growth.

    In that case, you can hypothesize that a sample group consuming much protein after physical training will exhibit better muscle growth dynamics compared to those who don’t eat protein. This way, you’re making a scientific guess based on your prior knowledge of the subject and your intuition.

    Step #4: Hold an Experiment

    With a hypothesis at hand, you can proceed to the empirical study for its testing. As a rule, you should have a clearly formulated methodology for proving or disproving your hypothesis before you create it. Otherwise, how can you know that it is testable? An effective hypothesis usually contains all data about the research context and the population of interest.

    For example:

    Marijuana consumption among U. S. college students reduces their motivation and academic achievement.

    1. The study sample here is college students.
    2. The dependent variable is motivation and academic achievement, which you can measure with any validated scale (e.g., Intrinsic Motivation Inventory).
    3. The inclusion criterion for the study's experimental group is marijuana use.
    4. The control group might be a group of marijuana non-users from the same population.
    5. A viable research methodology is to ask both groups to fill out the survey and compare the results.

    Step #5: Analyze Your Findings

    Once the study is over and you have the collected dataset, it's time to analyze the findings.

    The methodology should also delineate the criteria for proving or disproving the hypothesis.

    Using the previous section's example, your hypothesis is proven if the experimental group reveals lower motivational scores and has a lower GPA. If both groups' motivation and GPA scores aren't statistically different, your hypothesis is false.

    Step #6: Formulate Your Conclusion

    Using your study's hypothesis and outcomes, you can now generate a conclusion. If the alternative hypothesis is proven, you can conclude that marijuana use hinders students' achievement and motivation. If the null hypothesis is validated, you should report no identified relationship between low academic achievement and weed use.

    Thank you for reading this article! Note that if you need to conduct a business analysis, you can try our free tools: SWOT, VRIO, SOAR, PESTEL, and Porter’s Five Forces.

    ❓ Research Hypothesis Generator FAQ

    ❓ What is a research hypothesis?

    A hypothesis is a guess or assumption you make by looking at the available data from the natural world. You assume a specific relationship between variables or phenomena and formulate that supposition for further testing with experimentation and analysis.

    ❓ How to write a hypothesis?

    To compose an effective hypothesis, you need to look at your research question and formulate a couple of ways to answer it. The available scientific data can guide you to assume your study's outcome. Thus, the hypothesis is a guess of how your research question will be answered by the end of your research.

    ❓ What is the difference between prediction and hypothesis?

    A prediction is your forecast about the outcome of some activities or experimentation. It is a guess of what will happen if you perform some actions with a specific object or person. A hypothesis is a more in-depth inquiry into the way things are related. It is more about explaining specific mechanisms and relationships.

    ❓ What makes a good hypothesis?

    A strong hypothesis should indicate the dependent and independent variables, specifying the relationship you assume between them. You can also strengthen your hypothesis by indicating a specific population group, an intervention period, and the context in which you'll hold the study.


    🔗 References