Research Problem Generator

Fill in your subject (i.e., what (or who) the sentence is about).
Start with a proper preposition (among, of, in, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, on, during, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, on, during, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, etc.).
Start with a proper preposition (at, in, on, during, etc.).
Research problem result

    Are you stuck and don't know how to formulate a research problem?

    Worry no more!

    Our research problem generator will help you create one. Formulating a research problem is crucial in academic writing and can assist you in outlining your study process.

    All you need to do to get a well-formulated research problem is:

    1. Choose your research problem type;
    2. Formulate the key issue you aim to solve;
    3. Add the argument(s) and the counterargument.

    Understanding the different types of research problems will help you identify one that works well for you. This article discusses what a research problem entails, presents its types, its importance, and the steps to create a great research problem for your study.

    🧩 What Is a Research Problem & Why Is It Important?

    A research problem is a research issue or a statement that a researcher seeks to solve. It covers a particular field that experts intend to comprehend and address.

    The primary objective of the research problem could be to clarify an inconsistency or get answers on the area of study.

    Researchers often conduct investigations to solve issues, contribute factual ideas, or fill knowledge gaps. Research problems are important since readers understand the purpose of the investigation and evaluate the results.

    Moreover, research problems are the main drivers of the research questions and the approach you will take to conduct a successful analysis.

    A good research problem:

    • Can be outlined in a clear and concise manner
    • Has the main goal
    • Has a limited and specific scope
    • Generates valid research questions
    • Doesn't have ethical restrictions
    • Relates to multiple academic fields of study
    • Is quantifiable by research

    🔢 Research Problem Types

    College and university students encounter various academic writing assignments. Thus, learners must know how to identify a research problem. You can do this by reading widely on the topic of interest to find a knowledge gap or contradiction.

    The picture lists the four key research problem types.

    Let us explore the general types of research problems that are available in our research problem maker. These research problems can help in advancing your research further.

    Casuist Research Problem

    This type of research problem focuses on the right and wrong aspects through moral dilemma analysis. It brings out different cases of moral rules in an investigation. Researchers base the study on their assumptions about human conduct or conscience to identify the research problem.

    Descriptive Research Problem

    Here, researchers investigate an underlying importance of a particular event or circumstance. This type of research problem helps researchers uncover hidden matters and understudied subjects. It is quantitative; an example could be describing a population or phenomenon under investigation.

    Relational Research Problem

    This case entails investigating two or more entities that are connected. Researchers are tasked with examining and defining the relationship between the variables.

    Comparative Research Problem

    Researchers often use a compare-and-contrast approach to identify a relevant research problem. This type is also called a difference research problem. It focuses on identifying the differences between two or more variables.

    🧭 Steps to Formulating a Research Problem

    The following 6 steps will help you formulate an effective research problem.

    The picture lists the steps to formulating an effective research problem.

    Step 1 - Identify the Area of Interest

    As a student, you need to learn how to write a research paper, and one common aspect is to identify the area of interest you want to investigate. It will help you pinpoint the challenges present in the specific field. You can write a checklist of your research and add your goals and the issue you want to address. Have a clear outline of the research stages to guide you throughout the process.

    Step 2 - Define the Research Objectives

    The next step is to outline your goals and objectives clearly. Formulate a thesis statement to guide you in defining your goals since it will have the issues you want to address. Ensure the statement is brief and to the point to help the readers comprehend your research answers and the steps involved.

    Step 3 - Review Context

    Reviewing your research context allows you to remain focused on the issue. It is important to identify certain variables influencing your object. You will know if your findings are relevant and worth the entire research exercise in terms of time, effort, and budget.

    Step 4 - Define Relationships between Variables

    Identifying relevant variables will give effective and justifiable solutions to your research problem. Find the critical variables with functional relationships to help you know the extent of each entity during research.

    Step 5 - Choose Important Variables

    Choose essential variables you will use in your research and their influence on the final results. You will know the potential impact of these entities on your research.

    Step 6 - Revise Your Research Plan

    Finally, revise your research plan by talking to professionals and mentors in the industry you are investigating. Getting relevant feedback is critical since it will help you know the right questions to formulate.

    Ultimately, you can use this research problem maker and generate impressive results within minutes. There is no need to stress about problem formation anymore!

    Thank you for reading this article! If you need help to formulate a thesis statement, try our free thesis maker.

    ❓ Research Problem Maker FAQ

    Below are frequently asked questions and detailed answers that might help you to make an informed decision.

    ❓ What is a research problem?

    It is a specific area of concern or an issue that a researcher seeks to address to find solutions. It helps to justify your research by providing a clear purpose.

    ❓ How to identify a research problem?

    You can identify a research problem by reading widely about the existing research, the theoretical aspect and the debates surrounding the topic. You might search for contradicting perspectives or an area with inadequate research to generate a relevant problem.

    ❓ What is a research problem statement?

    A research problem statement is a brief and clear explanation that describes the specific issue you need to investigate. It helps readers to understand the primary goal of the research.

    ❓ How to write a research problem statement?

    The first step is to identify the context of the problem by finding out what you already know. Proceed to describe the problem you want to address and the knowledge gap you want to fill. Finally, define the goals and purpose of your study. Make your statement clear and concise to allow the readers to understand the direction of your research.


    🔗 References