Best Summary Generator
for Essays

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    Wondering what is the best summary generator for essays? Try our free online tool! It can summarize an article, research paper, or any other academic piece in no time.

    🛠️ Summary Generator: How to Use?

    1. Go to the document or website text you would like to summarize.
    2. Highlight it and press “Copy” or Ctrl+C. Make sure it does not exceed 15,000 characters.
    3. Go to Summary Generator.
    4. Click in the blank field and press “Paste” or Ctrl+V in the text summarizer.
    5. Specify the desired number of sentences in the result.
    6. Click the “Summarize” button.
    7. Enjoy your summary!

    🤷 What Is a Summary?

    A summary is a brief description of any text that mentions its highlights, leaving aside the details. It is usually short but depends on the length of the original work.

    A summary never includes personal opinions, analysis, considerations, etc.

    The academic sphere approves only objective summary writing, while summaries for commercial purposes tend to withhold some facts to raise interest.

    We come across summaries every day. For example, we can find them:

    • In the theoretical part of a research paper or article, listing the sources being analyzed
    • In conclusion to any piece of any academic writing
    • In recommendations to a book suggested for reading or a film presented for watching
    • In product descriptions
    • In summary generators

    ❓ Summary Generator Q&A

    ❓ How to write a good summary?

    1. Do not pick sentences to reword. Get the idea and explain it in your own words.
    2. Avoid including details. Use only those critical to understand your summary.
    3. Abstain from judging. It is not an essay. No personal opinion is welcome here.
    4. Avoid compiling a list of statements. Make your text flow.
    5. While reading the story or article to be summarized, write down the key points and relations. Use your notes as an outline for the summary.

    ❓ What is an objective summary?

    First of all, any summary should be objective. To make sure you stick to the rule, after writing every paragraph, ask yourself the following questions:

    • Does it contain my opinion?
    • Did my feelings or emotions influence what I have written?
    • Does my summary distort what the original author intended to say?

    If you answered “No” to all these questions, your resume is perfectly objective and does not require any revision.

    ❓ How long should a summary be?

    If you are a student, and the summary is your homework, we highly recommend asking this from your professor. The assignment should contain the preferred length. In all other cases, the word count is defined by the size and genre of the original text.

    For a summary of an article, the publisher requests a specific length. It is usually either one paragraph or one-third of the article.

    For a summary of a chapter, it should be 10 to 15% of its word count.

    ❓ How is a paraphrase similar to a summary?

    The main similarity is that both methods allow a writer to incorporate another person’s text into theirs. Both of them also require referencing the author of the source. The third common feature is the use of simplified language, as compared to the sample.

    Still, there are some differences between them. A paraphrase deals with shorter passages (a sentence or a paragraph) and tries to preserve all of its elements. A summary condenses the meaning of the entire text or its section, prioritizing the central ideas.

    👓 How to Summarize in Your Own Words

    An objective summary is devoid of personal reasoning or judgments.

    It only comprises the information that comes from the source.

    If you wonder how to write a synopsis without losing anything essential, here is the best advice. If an idea is clear without the detail, leave it out.

    Therefore, to write an objective summary, use these rules:

    1. Read attentively and thoughtfully.

      We recommend tackling this stage in three steps:

      • Briefly scan the general structure of the text, paying attention to headings.
      • Carefully read the text, marking the essential information and making notes.
      • Reread the most complicated passages for a better understanding.
      • Compare the introduction and conclusion. It will show you the author’s intention.
    2. Break the text into meaningful parts.

      If the text contains no subheadings, it is helpful to outline. Divide the text into parts and name each of them. You will use them to structure your summary.

    3. Identify the central ideas of each part.

      Make a list of the main points under each heading. It won’t take you long, but the summary-writing process will be accelerated.

    4. Write the summary.

      Using the plan you've made under the points 2 and 3, write a summary in your own words. After that, use a plagiarism checker to make sure you have paraphrased all the author’s expressions.

    5. Compare the summary with the original.

      Once everything is ready, check the following items:

      • Is your summary an accurate representation of the original?
      • Did you preserve the essential information?
      • Isn’t your summary wording too similar to the original?

    🌐 Best Summary Generator: How to Choose?

    Certainly, you can walk the way of trials and errors and look for the best summary generator by yourself. But we would like to warn you: it will take much time, and it happens that you need a well-composed summary right now. The World Wide Web contains hundreds of tools, starting from the most simple and free and ending with the most sophisticated, professional, and paid applications.

    That is why, while looking for a tool that meets your needs the most, pay attention to the following features:

    1. Are there any limits for the length of the inserted text? If yes, opt for those who allow the most extended text.
    2. Is there an option to upload a file in addition to simply copying and pasting the text? In combination with the unlimited text length, this feature works great with long books.
    3. If the previous point is fulfilled, which file formats are supported? Sometimes, it is critical to have a summary maker that processes less popular formats than docx.
    4. Is there a possibility to adjust the length of the result? This one is the most critical for all users. You can need a paragraph-long summary of a dozen-page document or a detailed overview of a two-page article.
    5. Does the paraphrasing tool highlight keywords? It can be helpful when you use the summary generator to process large volumes of text in a short time.
    6. Which languages does it support? There is often a lack of information available in one language, while you can access extensive materials in another. If you speak both, that’s quite an asset. Make sure the auto summarizer you choose supports all of them.
    7. How much time does it take to process the text? The quicker, the better.
    8. Does the web page with the tool have advertisement bars and pop-ups? If yes, they will distract you from your educational or research work.
    9. How much does it cost to use the summary generator? This item requires no explanation.

    Hope the above tips will be useful. By the way, the key to a great academic paper is a decent thesis statement! If you need to create one, you are welcome to use our thesis-making tool.


    📍 References