SWOT Analysis Online Tool

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👍 SWOT Analysis Generator: the Benefits

Here are the key benefits of this online SWOT analysis test.

👌 Easy to use Follow the prompts & look at the examples.
🦋 Adjustable Choose the SWOT template you like most.
🌐 Online You won’t need to download any software.
🆓 No payments 100% free, no sign-ups or hidden payments.

🔍 Online SWOT Analysis Test: How to Make It

  1. Once you have obtained the necessary marketing and business data, enter it into the respective fields of the SWOT Analysis Online tool.
  2. Press Add another point if the available fields are not enough.
  3. Choose the template you like for free.
  4. Download the file in .docx, .pdf, .jpeg, or .png.

✅ What Is SWOT Analysis Test?

An online SWOT analysis test is a software tool designed to determine where the company’s business is now and what its perspectives are.

It is a framework for strategic planning and eliminating the current weaknesses and threats.

The chart helps the management unveil the pre-conceived beliefs and discover what hides behind the grey areas. Below you’ll find the description of its components.

The picture contains a list of points you should consider when preparing for a SWOT analysis.


This data category shows what makes you a strong market player. You should use these factors as the foundation of business planning. They may comprise high brand awareness, loyal customers, unique products, and other things that distinguish you from the competitors. Everything marked as strength shall be reinforced and promoted.


Weaknesses hinder a company’s development and can even cause its bankruptcy. These are the areas you should improve to remain afloat. For example, high staff turnover, debts, and an insecure supply chain gradually ruin your business. Everything marked as weakness shall be eliminated.


Opportunities are factors outside your reasonable control that can help you develop your business if used correctly. For example, a new law that cuts export tariffs is an excellent opportunity to expand your market to other countries.


Similar to the previous category, threats are external factors you cannot manage but can predict and use to your benefit. A wise manager can turn a threat into an opportunity. For instance, a drought is devastative for the agricultural industry but can raise the demand for imports.

📄 SWOT Analysis Examples

Below you’ll find a collection of SWOT essay examples that focus on various companies and even personalities. We hope that you’ll find this collection inspiring.

  1. British Petroleum Company’s SWOT Analysis

    The paper focuses on British Petroleum (BP) - the third largest energy company in the world headquartered in St. James’s, City of Westminster, London.

  2. UniQlo Company’s SWOT and Risk Analyses

    The paper lists the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of UNIQULO - a Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer.

  3. Personal SWOT Analysis to Determine the Career Development Strategy

    The paper is an example of personal SWOT analysis made to create a development strategy based on these characteristics to gain a competitive advantage.

  4. Google Strengths and Weaknesses: SWOT Analysis

    This case study discusses Google marketing strategy that focuses on the younger generation of the world that is constantly searching for the information, acquiring knowledge, and having fun.

  5. Coca-Cola: SWOT Analysis

    The paper presents the key five strengths of the Coca-Cola Company: the solid financial position of the organization, utilization of high-tech equipment, management, aimed to achieve high customer loyalty, employment of highly qualified marketers, and expansion of beverage portfolio.

❓ SWOT Online: FAQ

❓ What Is a SWOT Diagram?

A SWOT diagram is a straightforward and illustrative representation of a company’s strong and weak points. It consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In particular, the former two are internal factors manageable by the company. The latter two are external parameters one cannot change but can use to their avail.

❓ How Can a Business Use a SWOT Analysis?

The situation within the company (its financial and human resources, assets, and operational efficiencies) shows the existing state of business. What happens outside (monetary policies, market fluctuations, and supply changes) can help you plan for the future. Use SWOT online test to fix the challenges impacting your company and use the opportunities to enhance it.

❓ How to Prepare for a SWOT Analysis?

Prepare the answers to the following questions:

  1. What are your most substantial assets? (Strengths)
  2. What worsens your performance? (Weaknesses)
  3. Which circumstances could you use to your benefit? (Opportunities)
  4. Which latest changes could harm your business? (Threats)

❓ How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis Online?

An online SWOT analysis maker transforms random facts selected in the course of marketing research into a neat and clear table. Use input fields to enter the information. Then, choose one of the design types and preferred format. Download the file to your computer and use it for team brainstorming.


🔗 References