Thesis Maker for Your Research Introduction

Make a thesis statement in 4 steps
Should be used in compare and contrast essays
What is your main conclusion about this topic?
What is the main argument for your conclusion?
What is the main argument against your conclusion?
What are the main topics?
What is your stance on the topic?
What is(are) the main similarity (similarities) of your topics?
What is(are) the main difference (differences) of your topics?
What is your main conclusion about the topic?
What is(are) the main issue(s) under analysis?
Result for thesis statement

Even though some studies show that school uniform’s adoption improves students’ performance, school uniform should not be adopted at schools because it limits students’ individuality, it is a burden for low-income families, and it restricts students’ physical activity.

Whereas some studies show that school uniform’s adoption improves students’ performance, school uniform should not be adopted at schools given that it limits students’ individuality, it is a burden for low-income families, and it restricts students’ physical activity.

Looking for a thesis maker for a research introduction? Try this generator! Our free thesis statement maker will create a flawless thesis sentence for your essay or research paper.

Most likely, any paper you will write in an academic field will require a thesis statement. It is a sentence that provides the primary purpose of the text and helps control the logical flow of ideas. It often might reflect an opinion or judgment that the author has made about the topic.

Formulating a clear position for an essay or research paper might come off as a challenge. The good thing is that there are many ways to get help, such as using a thesis statement maker.

To start using a thesis generator, do the following:

  • write the main idea of your paper;
  • list arguments with evidence;
  • add counterarguments.

Just type all the information in and generate your thesis.

In this article, our team has collected tips for writing a thesis statement for different papers. You will also learn how to compose them for different paper types.

👎 7 Mistakes You Can Make in a Thesis

The key benefit of our thesis statement generator is that it certainly can give you a little inspiration to get started. It saves you time and energy, creates grammatically correct sentences, and it’s available all the time.

You have to compose a considerable number of such statements during your studies. Unfortunately, you won’t always have an online generator for it. To ease your writing process, we have collected the mistakes students tend to make.

Here is the list of things to avoid while writing a thesis statement:

1️⃣ Forgetting about stating a purpose.

If you formulate your thesis statement without an objective, it will be impossible to find focus or arguments for the paper’s body. Your thesis should guide your reader, showing what’s to wait from the paper’s body.

❌ Bad Thesis: Everyone should eat healthy food.

✔️ Good Thesis: Americans should adopt a healthy diet, as it not only helps them look and feel better but prolongs their lives.

2️⃣ Making your thesis too complicated.

Too long or wordy statement weakens the argument you’re trying to make. Plus, the excessive wordiness might confuse your readers and worsen the overall impression.

❌ Bad Thesis: Medical workers are a critical component of any health system, and, unfortunately, they don’t make a substantial amount of money, as they are helping to fight against the coronavirus, work long hours, and often are at a higher risk.

✔️ Good Thesis: Medical workers should have a higher compensation, as they provide great help in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

3️⃣ Lacking clearance in your writing.

A vague thesis statement or strange wording will most likely confuse your audience. Narrowing down the topic and using straightforward language will help state a clear central idea.

❌ Bad Thesis: The Internet has benefited the lives of many people.

✔️ Good Thesis: The Internet is an excellent tool for connecting people worldwide, searching for information, and exchanging ideas.

4️⃣ Using simple or inappropriate language.

While slang, abbreviations, or poor spelling in your personal texts is okay, you cannot use them in academic writing. State your main idea in professional language.

❌ Bad Thesis: The doctors should arrive ASAP, ‘cause it might cost someone’s life.

✔️ Good Thesis: The fast arrival of medical workers is crucial, as someone’s life might depend on their help.

5️⃣ Making obvious statements.

Your essay writing skills should progress as you move through school or college. The thesis statement for your academic writing should be specific and refined, without obvious claims or observations.

❌ Bad Thesis: In this essay, I will discuss the importance of physical exercises.

✔️ Good Thesis: People should consider adding physical exercises to their daily routine because it keeps their bodies healthy and reduces the risks of high blood pressure.

6️⃣ Never thinking about your audience.

Naturally, a good thesis statement is created for the reader’s understanding. You have to be careful not to develop a topic of interest directed solely at yourself. Try thinking about whether your readers will care about the issue you’re discussing.

❌ Bad Thesis: I think that tattoos are cool.

✔️ Good Thesis: People should be allowed to express themselves by making tattoos of any kind.

7️⃣ Lacking connection with the arguments.

Your paper needs to be coherent, so your introduction has to influence both the body and the conclusion. When writing your thesis statement, make sure you looked for arguments and evidence that correspond to it.

📝 Key Types of Thesis Statements

To start the thesis writing, you also need to consider the type of paper you have to compose. In the following sections, we will briefly discuss the major ones, and you’ll see how they affect the thesis statement.

Realizing the differences, you can safely use our thesis statement maker as you will know what to look for during revision.

The key academic writing types are as follows:

  • An analytical paper separates the idea or thought into several segments, assesses the issue or thought, and presents it to the reader.
  • An expository paper provides an explanation of something to the audience.
  • An argumentative paper makes a claim and supports it with evidence. Its goal is to persuade the reader that the statement is valid based on the evidence.

✒️ Argumentative Essay

It is one of the most common essay types that you will deal with while studying. Accordingly, you need to be able to formulate a statement without a thesis maker.

For an argumentative essay’s thesis, start with developing the central idea. Then, you have to prepare several strong arguments and at least one counterargument. You should state your point and support it with specific evidence. However, you might only give a hint or small preview of your proof to the reader.


People should use smartphones less, as they negatively affect the quality of sleep and overall well-being.

✒️ Analytical Essay

Professors assign this type of essay when they want you to analyze a specific topic. Therefore, you need to know how to coherently formulate your topic sentence for an analytical paper without a thesis statement tool.

In such essays, you are expected to break down a topic and analyze it. Accordingly, a thesis statement should present:

  • a subject that you will explore,
  • how you’ll do it.

Since the essay’s subject might be changed while writing, you can come back to review or rewrite your thesis statement.


Global warming is considered to affect a decrease in biodiversity.

✒️ Expository Essay

This type requires an author to investigate the idea and describe it to the reader concisely. You will regularly deal with such tasks during exams. So, you’ll have to create a thesis statement for an expository essay without a specific tool.

As you may have judged from the title, an expository essay “exposes” the reader to the topic. It informs the audience about specific details and the meaning of the subject. The thesis statement provides the aspects of the topic discussed in the order they are listed.


Bullying in educational institutions is one of the significant reasons for physical, social, and emotional issues.

✒️ Research Paper

At least several times in your journey of academic writing, you’ll be required to write a research paper. It’s a vital part of studying both in school and college, so you have to learn its requirements by heart.

To write a thesis statement for a research paper, you should start with a question. Expressing the central idea, you should answer the question based on the research you have conducted. Also, you are expected to define the paper’s topic and evaluate some of its aspects.


While some people don’t agree that politicians should be paid the median wage, the same amount of payments shows the equality between all citizens in the country.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope you found it useful. Take advantage of our thesis maker and send it to your peers who might need it.

❓ Thesis Maker FAQ

How long is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is one sentence located in the last paragraph of a paper introduction. If your argument is complex, you might want to make this sentence quite long.

What is a working thesis?

A working thesis statement is the first version of the thesis you use while conducting your research. The structure of your working thesis is similar to that of the final one. It includes the research subject and the position that you are taking.

What is the purpose of a thesis?

The main purpose of a thesis statement is to present your research in a very concise way. Your thesis should explain the focus of your study and provide a clear and specific argument about it so that the reader would know what to expect from the paper.

How to write a killer thesis statement?

The easiest way to create a killer thesis statement quickly is to use the thesis maker above on this page. You'll need to look at the examples, add the required information, and enjoy the result. Note that our tool can create a tailor-made thesis statement for any type of essay.


📍 References