Free Topic Sentence Generator

It’s the subject of your sentence
It’s the predicate so align it with the subject in terms of grammatical number
It’s the adverb of place so add a proper preposition before it
It’s the adverb of time so add a proper preposition before it
Topic sentence result

👍 Topic Sentence Generator: the Benefits

Here are the key benefits of this topic sentence writer for essays and speeches.

🆓 No payments 100% free, no hidden payments or sign-ups.
👌 Easy to use The interface features prompts and examples.
⭕ Multipurpose Will generate a topic sentence for your introduction or body paragraph.
🌐 Online You won’t need to download any software with this tool.

📝 Topic Sentence Maker – How to Use It?

How do I write a topic sentence? There are so many requirements to them.

You notice yourself rewriting the same thing from a different point of view for several times. But it still does remind that thesis-oriented succinct phrase you’ve been aiming for.

If that’s the case, try this topic sentence maker.

See what you’ve missed and get an excellent first sentence for any paragraph.

  1. Indicate the object or main idea that will become the sentence subject.
  2. Formulate a claim about the object or main idea that will become the predicate.
  3. Specify the place and time if necessary.
  4. Press the button and get your free AI-generated topic sentence.

💡 What Is a Topic Sentence?

A topic sentence describes the focus of the paragraph. Like sub-headings in an article, it helps to organize the information by summarizing it.

The picture defines the topic sentence.

It is usually the first sentence of a main body paragraph in formal writing.

From the functional point of view, a topic sentence introduces a paragraph, connecting it to the essay’s thesis statement. By the way, the latter is the topic sentence of the entire text.

A topic sentence consists of 2 elements:

  1. A topic - something that has been mentioned in the thesis statement.
  2. The main idea - new information confirming the thesis statement.

Topic Sentence Examples

Here are several topic sentence examples where the topic is in italics, and the main idea is underlined.

  • Soil erosion is equally detrimental to plants and animals.
  • Gadgets at the table can significantly change the way we perceive food.
  • A household’s success strongly depends on each family member’s well-being and prosperity.
  • Spanking has been considered an acceptable way of making a child behave because it gives immediate results.
  • Abortions must be legal because, otherwise, thousands of women may seek unqualified and risky operations.

🆚 Thesis Statement Vs. Topic Sentence

The two sentences have many similarities as they play the same structural role.

The picture highlights the similarities and differences of a topic sentence and a thesis.
  • A thesis statement states the central purpose or argument of the text that will be supported through the main body paragraphs.
  • A topic sentence is just the first sentence of each main body paragraph. Still, it indicates how the section supports your thesis. The topic sentence shows how it relates to the thesis statement.

It is helpful to think of the two as a Venn diagram:

The picture contains a Venn diagram that compares a topic sentence and a thesis statement.

Therefore, your topic sentences should:

  • Announce how your paragraph will explain the topic of your thesis statement;
  • Outline the focus of the section with respect to the thesis;
  • Introduce what the supporting evidence in the paragraph (which confirms the thesis statement) will describe.

📍 How to Make a Topic Sentence for a Body Paragraph

Those who don’t want to use a topic sentence creator can follow this action plan. It will ensure that each topic sentence confirms the thesis statement.

The picture lists the steps to writing a topic sentence.
  1. Finalize the Essay Topic

    The most challenging thing is making a final decision about what to discuss in the text. You don’t know your opinion yet or how you will argue it. But you do know your sphere of competence and interests. Let these aspects guide you, and try the research title generator to accelerate your search.

  2. Write a Thesis Statement

    A thesis statement tells the reader the purpose for which you have written everything below and (sometimes) your opinion about the issue. Explaining how to write a good thesis statement would take another article. That’s why we recommend checking the thesis generator for essays. You can select the genre (argumentative, analytical, compare-and-contrast, or informative) from the drop-down list.

  3. Draft the Topic Sentences

    Once the thesis statement is ready, list as many arguments as possible to support it. Now, delete the weakest ones to leave 3 or 4 items. Formulate these arguments in sentences. Note that topic sentences are always more specific than the thesis statement but directly related to it and developing its message.

  4. Write the Main Body Paragraphs

    The best way to test-drive your topic sentences is to integrate them into the final writing. Your considerations, examples, and reasoning will show whether the topic sentence has properly announced the paragraph contents.

    A rule of thumb is to write only the information that supports the topic sentence. Otherwise, look for different facts or change the starting phrase.

  5. Polish out the Topic Sentences

    An effective topic sentence is specific and clearly explains what the reader should expect from the paragraph. Meanwhile, it is general enough not to reveal all the details. Think of it as a signpost that indicates the direction of your argumentation.

    You can also approach topic sentences as smooth transitions between paragraphs. In such a case, respective linking words will be helpful.

If the steps above didn’t help, you could use the topic sentence maker for inspiration and reference. Thank you for reading this article! If you want to polish your assignment quickly and efficiently, you can try our free writing tools.

❓ Topic Sentence Generator FAQ

❓ What Is a Topic Sentence in an Essay?

Topic sentences in an essay appear at the beginning of each main body paragraph. They present new thoughts and announce what each separate section will be about. Thus, you’ll get an essay outline or plan if you write all the topic sentences as a list. Try the topic sentence generator tool to see an example.

❓ What Is the Purpose of a Topic Sentence?

A topic sentence forms the text structure and ensures the reader doesn’t get lost in your train of thought. Notably, it introduces an argument or main idea component, reminding the reader of the thesis statement. Meanwhile, it does not provide any examples or details.

❓ How Long Can a Topic Sentence Be?

A topic sentence shouldn’t be too complex. It only states the idea to be further developed. For this reason, aim for 18 to 22 words if you write an essay. However, a topic sentence in a research text with extended paragraphs can be as long as three lines. You can use a topic sentence maker to get a sentence with perfect length.

❓ What Should a Topic Sentence Include?

A topic sentence includes the following components (1-2 are critical, and 3-5 are optional):

  1. Subject: What is the paragraph about?
  2. Predicate: What does the subject do, or how is it treated?
  3. Circumstances of time and place.
  4. Transition words to introduce a new line.


🔗 References