Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist Theories

Social relationships are complex processes that require several scientific approaches, which are discussed in this paper. Each of the theories focuses on some specific aspects of a person’s social life. A detailed study of theories of social behavior is useful for understanding how various institutions, such as the mass media, function. Various models of human behavior allow us to distinguish three main types of interaction that need to be studied in order to understand the motives of their actions.

Conflict theory talks about how different opinions of people can affect society and the relationships of persons in it. The subjects of disputes for people can be any reason, and this theory indicates that in certain situations, conflict is the basis of someone’s relationships (Rusu, 2020). At the same time, each element of society in such interactions, as it were, moves away from the other. Functionalist theory, on the other hand, suggests that people can work together smoothly and communicate without conflict or contradiction (Sullivan, 2015). In this hypothesis, people unite so that everyone can make a certain contribution to society. The last theory is interactionism, which implies that only two people interact. The reasons that underlie the interaction of two specific people are considered with the help of interactionism (Chen et al. 2020). Interpersonal relationships are the main aspect from which broader social communications develop.

In conclusion, it must be said that all these theories find their application in practice in various social situations. In everyday life, people use many different ways of interacting, and any of the social hypotheses can explain each case of such interaction. With their help, people’s motives for actions become more understandable. Accordingly, many will be able to better adapt to society and bring a new relationship experience into their lives. The considered theories allow people to see how different aspects of society affect the daily behavior of people in it.


Chen, R. R., Davison, R. M., & Ou, C. X. (2020). A symbolic interactionism perspective of using social media for personal and business communication. International Journal of Information Management, 51, 102022. Web.

Rusu, M. S. (2020). Street Names through Sociological Lenses. Part I: Functionalism and Conflict Theory. Social Change Review, 18(Winter), 144-176.

Sullivan, T. (2015). Introduction to social problems (10th ed.). Pearson.

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