Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions

Study Aims and Importance

The research aims to understand the causes of the funding cuts in the art programs that restrict essential art therapies for Veteran Affairs students. Different crises in recent years have decreased the financial support for creative people. This negative trend raises concerns about the future of mental health and the consequences of VA students’ poor education.

Many continue relying on therapies as the process of their rehabilitation and healing process. The scope of the problem covers many aspects, such as understanding the causes of the funding cuts. Moreover, the research covers specific impacts on the quality of the education. Finally, it will show the implications of reduced therapy access that negatively influence the treatment process.

Learning and investigating the problem is of massive importance to the future of the art industry and education. Art therapy’s initial help proves that it is an effective tool to address mental health challenges such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Furthermore, some ethical concerns have also developed regarding the potential restriction of access to art therapy as students stop participating in the cultural life of their countries.

Lastly, there are many interdisciplinary aspects of the art support. Students support their psychological condition and continue educating and expanding their knowledge. Examining the issues makes understanding the problem’s origins and knowing more about the consequences possible. The research can also inform policymakers and teachers about the rising problem so that relevant solutions can be applied.

Stakeholder Analysis

Two central departments are related to the problem and can regulate funding cuts in the industry. The visual performing art department pays attention to developing new creative programs. Within this Department, therapies are also set, and workers are trained to provide a mix of art and support during their classes.

Moreover, the Department of Mental Health also plays a massive role in supporting art therapies and assisting experts in creating cognitive therapies. It is also essential for the Department to control children’s mental health, and health centers strongly regulate cuts (Hoagwood et al., 2017). The staff works closely with VA students to understand their needs and ensure that the classes are practical and updated.

The main stakeholders should be identified to address the problem of funding cuts efficiently. VA students are the key stakeholders as they benefit from the programs and require them. Their thoughts and ideas are crucial in the further existence of art therapies. The staff of the art centers and medical workers are the key stakeholders responsible for the creative development of art therapies with professional support. Finally, governmental authorities are the stakeholders who provide funding when they are interested in the idea. Understanding their requirements and desires might make it easier to maintain stable financing.

Identification of Relevant Disciplines

Many disciplines are relevant to the problem, and all of them influence the issue’s future. For instance, art, psychology, education, publicity, sociology, and economics are the main disciplines relevant to the problem of funding cuts (Negroni et al., 2020). Art and Psychology, in this case, are the most important as they are bare.

While arts direct creative people towards further education, psychology controls mental health, which is directly influenced by art therapy. Art experts can integrate new activities and face specific challenges faced by creative people. Research in psychology helps to evaluate the effectiveness of new strategies through deep analysis of the human condition. Therefore, professionals in the industry should address both disciplines, and predictions should be made to ensure that the following decrease in funding will not negatively affect art therapies.


Hoagwood, K. E., Atkins, M., & Horwitz, S. (2017). A response to proposed budget cuts affecting children’s mental health: Protecting policies and programs that promote collective efficacy. Psychiatric Services, 69(3), 268-273. Web.

Negroni, L. K., Medina, C. K., & Diaz, M. R. (2020). Perceptions of mental health and unitization of mental health services in Puerto Rico. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(2), 149-169. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 27). Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions.

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions'. 27 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions." February 27, 2025.


StudyCorgi. "Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions." February 27, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Funding Cuts in Art Therapy Programs for Veteran Affairs Students: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions." February 27, 2025.

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