Gender Intersectionality: Fighting Discrimination

The concept of intersectionality in social sciences points to the connection between different social categories and how they apply to an individual or a social group. The social categories can include such characteristics as gender, race, and social status. The concept suggests that people belonging to several disadvantaged groups can experience social discrimination at a higher level than others. Thus, intersectionality studies the connection between different systems of discrimination and their influence on the population. Gender intersectionality studies focus on exploring the overlaps in gender discrimination to ensure that the protection of gender equality will not miss the disadvantaged groups of the population.

The application of the intersectional approach in the history of social studies allowed more attention to the experiences of different discriminated groups. Firstly, intersectionality sheds light on the experiences of Black women, who represent the most disadvantaged group in a society dominated by white men. Now, an intersectional approach to gender inequality addresses such issues as gender-based violence and discrimination of marginalized women from ethnic minorities, women with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community.

Next, the intersectionality approach can also be utilized in studies of gender inequality in more narrow areas. For example, experiences in the workspace can also be connected to an individual’s gender and race. The study conducted by Rosette et al. (2018) defined that candidates with intersectional identities are more likely to be rejected, their career advancements are imitated, and a small social circle isolates their interactions. Thus, in addition to the overall assessment of society, the intersexual approach can also be applied to more detailed studies of gender inequality in specific environments.

In conclusion, this essay explored how gender intersectionality protects the interests of disadvantaged groups of the population. Firstly, gender intersectionality ensures consideration of all individuals’ experiences with discrimination. Next, the approach allows focusing society’s attention on important issues such as ableism and discrimination against Black women. Lastly, the concept can also be applied in smaller areas, such as the working environment, to identify relevant issues in gender inequality.


Rosette, A. S., Ponce de Leon, R., Koval, C. Z., & Harrison, D. A. (2018). Intersectionality: Connecting experiences of gender with race at work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 38, 1-22. Web.

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