Media Influence on Gender Roles: Stereotypes and Societal Impact

For several decades, the media has influenced the behavior of individuals. The roles assigned to men and women have a close relationship with those expressed by characters in televisions, radios, and online platforms. A review of the themes portrayed in various programs indicates a misleading trend by the media concerning gender roles. Although campaigns have continued to fight wrong societal presentations, televisions, radios, and social platforms complicate such initiatives.

Right from childhood, girls receive information on how they should be submissive to their male counterparts. On the other hand, the media depicts men as muscular and hostile. Wille et al. explain that contemporary press uses advertisements and programs like cartoons and movies to propagate incorrect gendered perceptions (3). Quintessentially, the media instills such ideas even to children, who are vulnerable and can practice new information. Therefore, when these youngsters attain teenage, they already have wrong views concerning their roles.

In some adverts, women are portrayed doing household activities. Radios and televisions use the female gender to run commercials on cooking, dishwashing, and several other duties in the kitchen and laundry. On the other hand, when promoting components, which require masculine activities, the media uses men. In these presentations, the females are submissive, and the males are mean. It is significant to note that while these programs may appear harmless, they affect societal interactions.

According to Carmichael and Whitley, cases of suicide and cold blood murders among spouses has a close relationship with the wrong stereotypes perpetrated by radios, television, and online media (7). The assertion compounds the argument on the pervasive nature of the press on gendered labels. After watching misleading content portrayed by the media, many young men and women modify their behaviors according to the learned values. In a bid to meet these wrong expectations from programs, advertisements, and movies, some men become mean and hostile, whereas women become submissive. These character changes are not in line with the modern demands of life.

In various televisions, radio, and other media platforms, men host many programs, whereas women host few and less significant shows. Male dominance in media programs infuses a misguided perception about the role of men and women in societies. A study conducted by Wille et al. reveals that various companies have gradually adopted these stereotypes (15). In the assertion highlighted above, organizations are increasingly hiring men in managerial positions as compared to their female counterparts.

One of the significant factors that increase the influence and pervasiveness of the media is its ease of access. In the modern era of technological advancement, people can connect to their favorite channels at the comfort of their rooms. Unlike in the past, contemporary individuals can watch different programs using their smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other portable gadgets conveniently.

Research by CNN gives comprehensive information on how media determines societal expectations regarding the roles of men and women. In the report drafted by Knorr, it is clear that the media shapes the focus that communities have towards the activities assigned to girls and boys. According to the research, these stereotypes cripple the gains acquired in the advocacy of equity among all individuals. The study by CNN justifies the significant role that radios, televisions, and online media have in dictating the gender stereotypes among societies. Additionally, it coins the pervasiveness of these platforms in conveying such norms to people of all generations globally.

Works Cited

Carmichael, Victoria, and Rob Whitley. “Suicide Portrayal in the Canadian Media: Examining Newspaper Coverage of the Popular Netflix Series ‘13 Reasons Why’.” BMC Public Health, vol. 18, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-10.

Knorr, Caroline. “What Media Teach Kids about Gender can Have Lasting Effects, Report Says?CNN. 2017. Web.

Wille, Eike, et al. “Gender Stereotypes in a Children’s Television Program: Effects on Girls’ and Boys’ Stereotype Endorsement, Math Performance, Motivational Dispositions, and Attitudes.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-17.

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