Generation NeXt Behavior in College

Generation NeXt is a common group of young people who are younger than twenty-six-year-old. Their behavior in college is being studied to understand how modern people choose their areas of interest and how they find jobs in the fast-changing world. The hypothesis proposed by Taylor (2006) shows that college students are stepping away from the ‘Millennial’ generation and do not want to take responsibility. This suggestion could be correct, but more studies should be done by analyzing students’ behaviors during studying time to see if significant changes happen in this generation.

When young people decide to study in colleges and universities to receive bachelor’s degrees, they expect to be surrounded by comfortable studying conditions. For example, students want to apply less effort to succeed, and they want teachers to provide a qualitative service by avoiding extra exactingness (Taylor, 2006). This hypothesis can be correct as many prestigious educational organizations require students to pay. Compared to the past, students pay more serious attention to education and prefer to take only important and useful information from classes. Workers in the education industry should conduct further studies to understand the preferences of students and make their experience more significant.

The relationship of the generation NeXt to technologies is unique, and they prefer to use iPads, iPhones, and other devices to make life easier. Many interpersonal connections are built on social media platforms, and young people can better understand their companion’s mood than representatives of previous generations. Students started purchasing online courses to make it easier to study abroad and save money. Technological progress has brought many advantages to young people, but it is crucial to understand if modern inventions can negatively affect people. For example, motivation loss or Internet disruptions can become the main drawbacks of the studying process.

The article presents the studies of other professionals in the educational sphere who state their points of view from different perspectives by supporting them with relevant facts. Moreover, Taylor (2006) provides readers with an existing finding showing how generation NeXt builds consumer orientation and entertainment, expands event horizons, and shows skepticism where needed. Nevertheless, social life changes in the modern community are not studied deeply, making it complicated to provide the most accurate information these days. Moreover, the resented findings propose that the main issues are related to the increased stress level and coolness of the character of young people who are not older than twenty-six years old.

The fact that students in colleges want to receive high-quality services and gain more professional knowledge in specific areas but do not want to work intensively in the progression makes the paper confusing. However, throughout the research, it becomes clear that people can only predict the future of the generation NeXt as there are no real-life cases that can approve or disapprove of the author’s suggestions. Consequently, the area of the study stays one of the most provocative aspects for many experts in the education industry around the world as they want to make more breakthroughs in this area. I believe that Taylor (2006) is effective in his message as he has compared the studies of different professionals with the individual’s suggestions. This strategy helped make the clearest and the most accurate representation of the modern generation and their possible life in the future.

Work Cited

Mark L., Taylor. “Generation NeXt Comes to College 2006 Updates and Emerging Issues.” A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement, vol. 2, 2006, pp. 48-55.

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