Geography of Place Knowledge: Sources and Their Role in Understanding

To acquire knowledge about a place, a person needs time and local expertise. Books, maps, and the scientific background will not help much. The knowledge, however, can be obtained from men and women residing near this place. They can tell about what they feel about this site, how they express their attitude to it. What is more important is that the books on geography and theoretical knowledge will not contribute much to understanding the essence of the American landscape.

There should be readings dedicated to describing nature from the sensual and perceptual viewpoints; the description should make us feel as if we are standing behind the author of the text and contemplate the splendor of the described place.

Aside from feeling and senses that should be activated, one should have full respect for the environment. Therefore, a clear understanding of nature can be reached through analysis of lies, legends, and poems that initiate the readers into the slightest details, which are hard to notice at a glance. According to John Clare, American geography is a multi-dimensional phenomenon; it embraces multiple facets and disciplines that disclose the full essence and meaning when combined.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Geography of Place Knowledge: Sources and Their Role in Understanding." January 1, 2021.

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