George Bridgetower: Life and Musical Work


George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower was born on 11 October 1778 in Poland (Noorduin 209). His father was Joanis Fredericus de Augustus with an origin from Africa, while his mother was Maria Schmid, a German-Polish (Noorduin 209). Bridgeton was known as a mullatto because he came from a mixed race family. Bridgetower’s father was the driving force that influenced Bridgetower’s career because he associated with influential people and a natural storyteller. Equally, Fredericus had an origin of African prince ownership but the Dutch sea captain adopted (Gasster-Carrierre 236). His father was fluent in many languages due to the adoption spectrum during slavery. Bridgetower was adopted from the island’s capital known as Bridgetown. George Augustus Polgreen Bridgetower’s era was between 1778 to 1860, and he was famously referred to as the British musician (Gasster-Carrierre 236). He was a violinist who spent most of his time in England. Bridgetower died on 29 February 1860 in England after being diagnosed with arthritis (Gasster-Carrierre 237). He was described as melancholic, but he stopped performing in live audiences during his last moments in public. It is presumed that he resorted to being a piano teacher in Paris and Rome.

He married Mary Leake after receiving a master’s degree in music from Cambridge University in 1811 (Gasster-Carrierre 237). The family was blessed with two daughters, but one died during infancy. Bridgetower and his wife separated in 1824, and the musician was found dead on 29 February 1860 on a small backstreet in London (Gasster-Carrierre 237). He was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery, but his legacy lived to the current generation.

Musical work of Bridgetower

Violin Virtuoso

The musician was absorbed to the Royal Society of Musicians back in 1807 and he graduated in 1811 with Bachelor in Music (Locke 2). He was a violist and wrote works in voice, piano, violin, and ranges of the ensemble. At the age of 10, Bridgetower was a professional violinist that gave performances in the Philharmonic Society of Orchestra. He composed and taught people the basics of playing the violin. The violin is among the musical family’s most minor and highest-pitched string instruments (Locke 4). Violin is used in folk music, country music, rock, and jazz. The violin has three strings known as “violetta,” its rosin is made from liquid plant resin, and the bow is made from horsehair combined with wood (Locke 8). Bridgetower was a highly accomplished prodigy that earned the recognition of King George IV (Locke 10).


Bridgetower was famous in Paris, Bristol, and London because of his numerous performances. At the age of 23, Bridgetower met Ludwig von Beethoven. Beethoven described Bridgetower as a capable person with complete control of his instruments (Locke 12). Beethoven was impressed by Bridgetower’s curiosity, and it made him compose a sonata for him. The Suchet says that if someone can play the violin, they can play anything affiliated with music. The two musicians combined and played Sonata together on piano and violin. The show was amazing, and it attracted many people (Noorduin 210). People appreciated the performance and it attracted other stakeholders beyond the performance hall. The glittering assembly watched the pair perform in triumph as Beethoven dedicated the Sonata to the violinist. The music was later called Sonata per un Mulattico Lunatico, but the combination was short-lived because they fell apart. Bridgetower made a mistake of lamenting about a woman that Beethoven knew, and it made Beethoven furious. Beethoven was angry to the extent that he withdrew his dedication of Sonata and renamed it Kreutzer Sonata (Noorduin 212). The renaming was done to remember the French violinist known as Rodolphe Kreutzer (Noorduin 214).

Classical music (A Ballard)

The Afro-European singer executed exquisite performances of various classical music with astonishing abilities. His musical talent was massively celebrated because his violin skills created pleasurable moments for his audience. Classical music is famous in the Western world, and it is considered Western folk music. The music incorporates instruments, choral music, orchestra, and vocals that are created to fit secular and sacred settings (Locke 13). Early classical music such as the one performed by Bridgetower encompassed the romantic era that existed between 1830 and 1900. The formalization of fixed structures and composition techniques are referred to as classical piano sonata. The orchestras underwent simultaneous changes because many instruments were included in the classical foundation (Locke 16). Some of the devices had the flute, horn, oboe, clarinet, and trumpet. He shaped society with enlightenment and posed radical change in the music industry. His musical architecture entailed the synchronization of ancient reminiscent and ornate Baroque musical styles.


The life and thrills of Bridgetower made it possible for him to erode the music industry during his era. At one moment, he lived in Mainz, which is a vital musical center. The talent of Bridgetower was genuine, and many philosophers regarded him as a symbol of distinction within the art industry. Bridgetower played over 50 concerts within a decade making him the leading orchestra among musicians. The musician led a life full of vibrancy and left a legacy in the violin and classical music industry.

Works Cites

Gasster-Carrierre, Suzanne. “Sonate À Bridgetower Par Emmanuel Dongala”. The French Review, vol 91, no. 3, 2018, pp. 236-237. Project Muse, Web.

Locke, Ralph. “How Reliable Are Nineteenth-Century Reviews Of Concerts And Operas: Félicien David’s Le Désert And His Grand Opéra Herculanum”. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 2021, pp. 1-17. Cambridge University Press (CUP), Web.

Noorduin, Marten. “Re-Examining Czerny’S And Moscheles’S Metronome Marks For Beethoven’S Piano Sonatas”. Nineteenth-Century Music Review, vol 15, no. 2, 2017, pp. 209-235. Cambridge University Press (CUP), Web.

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