Georgia and Florida States’ Constitutions

Discuss possible reasons the state of Georgia has for enacting ten new constitutions since admission to the Union?

There is no use denying the fact that the life of every state is organized by the laws which are peculiar to this state. Moreover, the Constitution of a state also regulates its functioning and the life of people. Being the union of a great number of states, the USA gives a certain level of independence for its regions and, that is why they all have their laws and constitutions. These laws should be topical and be able to deal with all challenges which people in the state might face.

That is why sometimes these laws should be changed for people to feel comfortable and protected. Thus, there are also some other reasons for this action. To understand this issue better, it is possible to analyze the situation connected with the state of Georgia, which is known to have had ten different constitutions. The first constitution was accepted in 1777 and was connected with the change of the status of Georgia. It became a state and, that is why a new constitution was needed. The next change was made in 1789 and was connected with the creation of the U.S. constitution. It is easy to guess that situation repeated eight times more.

The appearance of some new factors led to the rise of the need for some new laws (Georgia’s Constitutional Changes, n.d.). That is why a state had to respond to these new challenges and guarantee a certain level of security for its citizens. Resting on these facts, it is possible to say that the majority of changes were added to the constitution under the influence of some external factors which appeared because of the specification of the status of Georgia and the powers of its government. Additionally, it should also be said that peoples will should also be mentioned as it contributed to the development of the constitution and added some changes to it (Eighteen seventy-seven Georgia Constitution (as ratified without subsequent amendments), n.d.).

Discuss any unusual provisions or structures in Florida state’s constitution

Each state in the USA has its unique history, which influences traditions and customs peculiar to the area greatly. Moreover, as these states have their constitution, there are also some unique laws or amendments which could be hardly met in some other states. Being born in Florida, I know a lot about this state, and its laws seem quite logical to me. However, at the same time, it should be said that there are still some amendments that could hardly be met in some other states.

For example, the constitution of Florida proclaims the separation of powers. Supreme Court of Florida prohibits encroachment or delegation of powers by any branch of the system (How is the Florida Constitution Amended? n.d.). It means that one institution can’t perform a sort of activity that some other institution is supposed to perform. Moreover, it is prohibited to obtain the powers of any other branch. It should be said that this difference appeared due to the desire of people, who live in Florida, to separate different brunches of power and guarantee their efficiency and objectivity.

Resting on these facts, it is possible to say that there are many different states in the USA, and each of them has its constitution. It was created under the influence of various factors, which include peculiarities of the mentality of people who lie in the region and environment. These facts influenced the appearance of the unique parts of the constitution of every state.


Eighteen seventy seven Georgia Constitution (as ratified without subsequent amendments). (n.d.). Web.

Georgia’s Constitutional Changes. (n.d.). Web.

How is the Florida Constitution Amended? (n.d.). Web.

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