Global HIV Prevalence and Strategies for Better Care in the United Kingdom and South Africa


Nowadays, society still faces many conditions that are impossible to eradicate as there is no cure. Among such conditions is the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which creates countless risks for people and raises mortality. Thus, with the growing incidence of HIV, it is crucial to address the acute issue by not only raising awareness of the public but also offering better access to medical help and screening.

Main Body

On a macro scale, HIV affects millions of individuals in many nations. By the end of 2022, there were 39.0 million HIV-positive individuals worldwide (World Health Organization, 2022). On a macro level, the estimated incidence of HIV among South Africans of all ages was 14.0%, or 7.92 million persons (Zuma et al., 2022). To help all South Africans, there must be better opportunities for antiretrovirals and care.

HIV-Prevention Policies in the United Kingdom and South Africa

For example, in the U.K., the practices and policies combine prevention strategies. These include pre-exposure prophylaxis, prompt connection to medical attention and therapy, a high rate of HIV testing, and assistance to persons with HIV (Delpech, 2022). In contrast, South African policies and practices are heavily connected to pre-exposure prophylaxis, which was recommended as a component of a package of preventative treatments for males who engage in sexual relations with men (Lane, 2021). Such approaches inform the role of a future nurse by emphasizing the importance of awareness.

Global Interventions Against HIV

As for collaborative and partnership approaches, WHO cooperates with the authorities; the agency uses statistical data to track the incidence of HIV in South Africa and offers awareness, mitigation, and control initiatives for vulnerable and uneducated populations (Ugwu & Ncayiyana, 2022). As for global initiatives, many have been introduced, such as the Five Point Initiative that was created in the U.S. in communities that have been severely affected by HIV. The initiative focuses on the engagement of community businesses, community experts, and an educational program devoted to community members to raise awareness and educate individuals on the disease (Dale et al., 2023). Thus, the role of nurses is to promote self-care and safety measures.


In summary, it is imperative to address the serious problem caused by the rising prevalence of HIV by improving public knowledge as well as public access to medical care and screening. There were 39.0 million HIV-positive people in the globe by the end of 2022. Better access to antiretrovirals and care is necessary to assist all South Africans, which is included in policies worldwide.

Reference List

Dale, S. K. et al. (2023) ‘Five point initiative: a community-informed bundled implementation strategy to address HIV in Black communities’, BMC Public Health, 23(1), pp. 1625. Web.

Delpech V. (2022) ‘The HIV epidemic: global and United Kingdom trends’, Medicine, 50(4), pp. 202–204. Web.

Ford, N., Ball, A., Baggaley, R., Vitoria, M., Low-Beer, D., Penazzato, M., Vojnov, L., Lane, J. et al. (2021) ‘Policy considerations for scaling up access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis for adolescent girls and young women: examples from Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda’, The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 36(5), pp. 1789–1808. Web.

World Health Organization. (2022) HIV. Web.

Ugwu, C. L. J., and Ncayiyana, J. R. (2022) ‘Spatial disparities of HIV prevalence in South Africa. Do sociodemographic, behavioral, and biological factors explain this spatial variability?’, Frontiers in Public Health, 10, pp. 1-16. Web.

Zuma, K. et al. (2022) ‘The HIV epidemic in South Africa: key findings from 2017 national population-based survey’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), pp. 8125. Web.

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