Global Recruiting: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several advantages and disadvantages to global vs local recruiting. On the one hand, a negative aspect is considered the need for applying different approaches to hiring personnel. Thus, a technique is not necessarily globally effective if it is successful in one region (Gale, 2013). However, the talent pool is larger compared to local opportunities. Another disadvantage is the necessity to consider international labor laws that are stricter than US ones (Joyner, 2017). Nonetheless, the practice can be effective for cost reduction as the cost of living is to be considered based on the country where the team is formed (Mercer, 2017). The organization where I operate applies international recruiting for positions that require knowledge of local markets, for example, regional managers and marketing specialists. The need for employees for these positions is permanent, and the efforts have helped maintain successful global business practices based on effective international recruiting.

The idea that expatriate compensation is to be centered around the conditions in the country where the employee operates is an appropriate one. Since the cost of living, needs, location, and other factors differ based on the place of work, it is inevitable that these concepts have to facilitate specific changes in remunerations. Moreover, I find the argument that compensation for rent or transportation payments may be needed as suitable and potentially facilitate high employee retention.

I found the idea that expatriates require additional attention interesting. It is certain that they are to be granted a place of work when they return due to the possibility of retention that follows. Moreover, I agree with the psychological aspect of encouraging frequent trips home and an adjustment period before expatriating for work. The measures can minimize the negative overview of the experience and create a smoother transition to the new conditions at the new workplace.


Gale, S. F. (2013). Companies struggle to recruit internationally. Workforce.

Joyner, J. (2017). Foreign vs. U.S. labor laws. Small Business Chron.

Mercer, Y. T. (2017). International pay structures: Why are companies considering them? Mercer Mobility.

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