Government Censorship in China as a Violation of Free Speech Rights


Government censorship is a common problem in many modern countries. Severe regulation of the information space can negatively affect the capabilities of citizens. This trend has begun to spread rapidly due to globalization and widespread access to various information (Antwi-Boateng and Al Mazrouei 11). Thus, government regulators directly influence people’s ability to perceive the data they consider necessary. Because of this, there is a problem of overcontrol that needs to be explored using a current example from another country.

Government Censorship in China

Strict state control can be traced to the example of China, which has introduced a ban on access to a large number of Internet resources. One of the apparent aspects that significantly affects the freedom of citizens in this country is the Great Firewall of China. This government censorship tool is designed to block citizens from accessing popular social networks such as X, Facebook, and YouTube (Zheng and Wang 9).

At the same time, the Chinese government has attempted to develop similar replacement applications. For example, Weibo and WeChat, produced in China, are allowed to be used in isolation from the global Internet. Thus, a closed Internet space is created for the citizens of the country, where information not approved by the ruling party cannot be found.

The task of regulators in China is to suppress dissent, which echoes Fahrenheit 451. This poses a significant danger since people using the Internet in a given country cannot receive news from objective sources of information that are not controlled by the state (Tai and Fu 3). This is happening not only because all significant news resources have been replaced but also because the Great Firewall checks and removes all unwanted information in internal social networks. Thus, China has one of the largest censoring systems.


In conclusion, censorship of information can be a significant disadvantage for a country’s citizens as it prevents them from receiving objective and timely information. China is a technologically advanced country, making its censorship tools particularly advanced. This affects citizens who have no choice regarding what services they can use and what data they receive. Thus, the country prevents the emergence of dissent, which is a tool for strengthening the current government.

Works Cited

Antwi-Boateng, Osman, and Khadija Ali Mohammed Al Mazrouei. “The challenges of digital diplomacy in the era of globalization: The case of the United Arab Emirates.” International Journal of Communication 15 (2021): 19. Web.

Tai, Yun, and King-wa Fu. “Specificity, conflict, and focal point: A systematic investigation into social media censorship in China.” Journal of Communication 70.6 (2020): 842-867. Web.

Zheng, Yanfeng, and Qinyu Wang. “Shadow of the great firewall: The impact of Google blockade on innovation in China.” Strategic Management Journal 41.12 (2020): 2234-2260. Web.

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