“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation

Identification of the Artwork

The reviewed work is a short cartoon titled “Hair Love.” It was made by Matthew Cherry, Everett Downing Jr., and Bruce Smith and was presented in 2019 by Sony Pictures Animation. The short cartoon was awarded an Oscar, winning the short film award. The story itself was based on the story from the picture book with a similar title.

Composition and Technique

It is represented as a drawn 2D animation, which, though made using software, appears to have elements of hand-drawn animations in the background. It makes the audience see it as a cartoon for children, and the style has some resemblance to child drawings. This makes sense, as, from the technical perspective, the story is being told through the eyes of the child (Sony Pictures Animation, 2019). It also references the picture book, as the story migrated from its pages to the television screens.

Sensory Experience

The animation engages the audience on an experiential level, engaging all senses. The primary storytelling device appears in the imagery – the authors followed the “show, don’t tell” approach to the letter. There is little dialogue between characters, as emotions are conveyed through actions, facial expressions, music, and the surrounding environment. When words are used, they are there to emphasize both the emotional tone and the story’s overarching message.

Interpretation and Personal Reflection

From contextual and personal experience, a few assumptions can be made about the author’s original intent for the animation. They seek to affirm the values of having a whole family when raising a child and supporting one another through hardship. Finally, the story conveys the message of perseverance, not backing away from hardship or challenges, and dedicating time and effort to support one’s loved ones. All of these messages made me feel happy and warm, wishing the characters the best in their lives. The story contains a wholesome message desperately needed in the modern media.


Sony Pictures Animation. (2019). Hair Love | Oscar®-Winning Short Film (Full) | Sony Pictures Animation [Video]. Youtube. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, December 27). “Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation. https://studycorgi.com/hair-love-exploring-family-perseverance-and-wholesome-representation-in-animation/

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"“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation." StudyCorgi, 27 Dec. 2024, studycorgi.com/hair-love-exploring-family-perseverance-and-wholesome-representation-in-animation/.

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StudyCorgi. (2024) '“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation'. 27 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation." December 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hair-love-exploring-family-perseverance-and-wholesome-representation-in-animation/.


StudyCorgi. "“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation." December 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hair-love-exploring-family-perseverance-and-wholesome-representation-in-animation/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "“Hair Love”: Exploring Family, Perseverance, and Wholesome Representation in Animation." December 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/hair-love-exploring-family-perseverance-and-wholesome-representation-in-animation/.

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