Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence

Hate groups are made up of people who share radical and authoritarian views. I was able to visit websites and find information about groups such as Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Anti-LGBT groups, and different Neo-Nazi organizations. I had a mixed reaction to the web pages of such communities. First of all, I found it strange that groups that promote violence and hatred can spread their views in such an open way. At the same time, the official sites were quite difficult to find. Based on this, I was able to conclude that there is some regulation of their activities and the distribution of such hate content. Speaking about the similarities that were identified in these sites, I want to note their goals. Each group and organization postulates that their goals are good and bring prosperity to American society. However, behind these goals lie violent actions, which in fact carry only hatred.

After analyzing the map of hate groups in the United States, I noticed that the vast majority of these communities are located in the western part of the country. I assume that this is due to the population density and the development of the states. Thus, since more people live in these states, there are more opportunities for creating a community. For Michigan, the map identifies 25 active hate groups in the state (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2020). Among them, in this vein, are anti-LGBT communities as well as neo-Nazis and fascist organizations. When asked whether the activities of such groups on the Internet should be regulated or curtailed, it is difficult to come to a single answer. I believe that as long as these groups do not engage in open confrontation and do not incite conflict, they have the right to exist.


Southern Poverty Law Center. (2020). Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence." November 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hate-groups-in-the-usa-motivation-and-prevalence/.


StudyCorgi. "Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence." November 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hate-groups-in-the-usa-motivation-and-prevalence/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence." November 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hate-groups-in-the-usa-motivation-and-prevalence/.

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