Healthcare and Welfare Systems in Treating Children with Autism: A Case Study


The healthcare system of the country requires specific approaches to treating patients according to not only their illness type but also their age. Children with severe diseases such as autism need particular approaches to the healthcare system. This paper will review the case of Sam and his family. Although Sam’s parents take considerable action to find the proper treatment for their son, they must use the welfare system to minimize their spending.

Summary of the Case

The case of Sam and his parents is the situation of a child with autism diagnoses and particular difficulties in searching for rational and effective treatment. One should state that the main problem of the case is that specific healthcare structures, such as Magiscare, refused to treat Same due to financial reasons (Reis et al., 2016). Consequently, Sam’s family’s primary option is to apply for the welfare system. Considering the pros and cons of this case, one can state that there are no plusses but significant minuses because it shows the imperfections and drawbacks of the U.S. healthcare system.

Elements of Broad Strategic Thinking

Case two of meeting family needs demonstrates various evidence of both long-term and short-term strategic thinking. Considering their effects, one should state that there are both adverse and positive issues regarding this thinking. For example, as the first piece of evidence, it is essential to consider the strategy of the US government and the implications of the Medicaid program. The ultimate goal of it is to allow families to obtain necessary care concerning specific issues such as mental illness.

The broad strategic thinking of the government assumes avoiding the situation when people will use alternatives to Medicaid, such as the child welfare system (Reis et al., 2016). The US government strives to do that because of the need to popularize and expand the Medicaid program to allow families to have medical services. In this case, it can be considered the element of broad strategic thinking.

Magiscare demonstrates another particular example of the element of strategic thinking. Notably, the workers and the program director assumed no specific need to treat Sam because he was five years old (Reis et al., 2016). Consequently, the organization refused to pay for Sam’s treatment.

According to Reis et al. (2016), “For children of Sam’s age, behavioral management is not covered under state law because it is not “medically necessary” (p. 77). It is a considerable example of strategic thinking because the managers of Magiscare understand that covering such treatments as Sam’s needs may reduce company effectiveness. It means that the financial resources may be reduced because of the willingness of clients with similar cases to cover their treatments.

Aspects of Social Development

As one of the significant aspects of social development that was addressed in the case, one should highlight the family institution. It is a crucial part of every society because it incorporates various relationships within one household. Consequently, the development of the entire society is closely correlated with the family’s welfare and state. While considering the childcare system, it is essential to stress that it relates to the entire family because family members are closely related to each other. Therefore, issues in the childcare system, depicted in the case of Little Sam, may negatively affect the family institution. As a result, the whole society’s development will be undermined significantly.

Government Involvement and Healthy Public Policy

Government involvement in the situation with child care and providing necessary treatment regarding particular illnesses can have valuable positive effects on constructing healthy public policy. Remarkably, among the essential points that the government and public agencies can make are rules, protocols, and different criteria (Reis et al., 2016). They will be helpful for healthy public policy in terms of managing data, constructing laws, and determining whether it is medically necessary to treat a particular patient. It will be crucial in such cases as with Sam described in the case study.

Evidence of Systems Development for Health or Social Policy

As the evidence of systems development is related to health or social policy, it is crucial to stress the government’s reaction to particular unexpected issues. The most important example is the vaccination against COVID-19 provided by President Joe Biden. It is essential to highlight that all Americans could promptly and comfortably have access to vaccination to save their lives.

This program, which assumed the allocation of two trillion dollars for vaccination, is an excellent example of how health systems should work effectively. One should consider the abovementioned program, Medicare, provided by the former president of the United States, Barack Obama. Although this system lacks particular solutions to provide low-income families with appropriate health care (Gavrus et al., 2022), it is a significant step in American healthcare history to ensure the overwhelming majority of people with qualitative health services.

Application in Local Community

As the information that stood out most for me from this case study, I should highlight the data regarding how government structures strive to maintain people using the Medicare system. In particular, the authorities tend to create circumstances where families with children choose Medicare rather than the child welfare system. I can implement this approach in my local community to defend essentials created by the authorities’ programs and systems to provide people with better services. Authorities must have access to specific data, which allows them to elaborate more efficient healthcare systems.


In conclusion, it is essential to highlight the importance of the government’s role in addressing and constructing healthy and fair policies regarding healthcare. One should state that a specific approach should be aimed at treating children with severe diseases. Sam’s case, discovered in this paper, demonstrates the absence of options for a family with a sick child. As a result, this problem should be brought up and explored profoundly on many levels of governmental apparatus.


Gavrus, D., Jones, E. W., & Hanley, J. (2022). Medicare’s histories: Origins, omissions, and opportunities in Canada. University of Manitoba Press.

Reis, A., Dawson, A., Saenz, C., Barrett, D. H., Bolan, G., & Ortmann L. W. (2016). Public health ethics: Cases spanning the globe. Springer International Publishing.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 10). Healthcare and Welfare Systems in Treating Children with Autism: A Case Study.

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