Healthcare Delivery Models in Nursing Practice

Using personal experience in nursing practice is an important component of successful work, and following specific patterns of care helps to achieve good patient outcomes. Various healthcare delivery programs aimed at helping people with various ailments have several advantages since their use not only contributes to faster treatment but also helps to educate the public regarding certain medical issues. Specific models of care that I am familiar with are used to solve complex care tasks and provide patients with quality nursing care. A special role in this process is played by personal experience because an opportunity to combine the knowledge gained helps to find the right solutions for interventions quickly and effectively.

Support of Healthcare Delivery Models

The implementation of certain programs of nursing assistance to the population is carried out through specific healthcare delivery models. As Bender, Williams, Su, and Hites (2016) note, there is such a program as microsystem “delivery with the goal of changing practice dynamics to improve care quality and safety” (p. 414). I support this model, and I know that its application in practice helps patients to adapt to new conditions better.

Also, there are programs aimed at maintaining general tonus and specific nursing interventions. For example, according to Eldredge, Markham, Ruiter, Kok, and Parcel (2016), one of the public health models is PRECEDE, which “prescribes an analysis of causation of health problems as multiple ecological levels and the consideration and multiple determinants of health-related behavior and environment” (p. 227). In other words, this program affects not only the problem itself but also its causes. I have already come across this model and know that it is often used to treat patients with epilepsy.

Models Comparison

Both described programs have similarities. The model presented by Bender et al. (2016) stimulates nursing staff to active work aimed at improving patient outcomes. In the program described by Eldredge et al. (2016), there is also an emphasis on the need for continuous improvement of indicators. Nevertheless, they also have distinctive features. For example, the microsystem delivery model covers more general nuances rather than exceptional features. PRECEDE is a more narrowly focused program for specific interventions.

Impact of Academic Work on Future Practice

Knowledge and skills obtained in the process of academic work are important components of professional activities. My experience can be useful to find concrete evidence of the effectiveness of nursing assistant programs and their proper implementation. Moreover, the skills obtained in the training process allow me to navigate existing health models quickly and conduct efficient interventions in cooperation with colleagues. Experience helps me to eliminate potential errors and ensure that the implementation of programs in practice is correct and meets the needs of patients. Therefore, the connection between academic work and professional activities is direct.


An opportunity to use the knowledge and skills obtained in the course of academic work contributes to the rapid and effective provision of necessary care to patients and the implementation of certain nursing programs. When comparing healthcare models, it can be concluded that they are aimed at meeting the needs of patients, but some programs are narrowly focused and involve specific nursing interventions. The connection between experience gained and performance indicators are obvious since useful knowledge helps to successfully find appropriate solutions and implement them effectively in the process of professional practice.


Bender, M., Williams, M., Su, W., & Hites, L. (2016). Clinical nurse leader integrated care delivery to improve care quality: Factors influencing perceived success. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(4), 414-422. Web.

Eldredge, L. K. B., Markham, C. M., Ruiter, R. A., Kok, G., & Parcel, G. S. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: An intervention mapping approach (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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