Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study

The organizational structure of a company is significant, as it may influence the implementation of business solutions. In this study, the example of the Heineken Company will be considered in terms of its structure, corporate culture, and the role of leaders. This corporation has shown outstanding results in its market segment and can serve as an example of how proper organization can improve the overall success of a company.

Heineken is a Dutch brewing company that demonstrates excellent performance in its business sphere. The company’s management bodies are the Executive Board, responsible for making important organizational decisions, and the Executive Team, managing the global issues of the corporation (“Our leadership.”). Besides, the company’s Supervisory Board assists in decision-making and controls both the global affairs and Heineken’s affiliates (“Our leadership.”). It is possible to notice that the organizational culture of the company is characterized by the corporate division and distribution of tasks. This structure allows different departments to concentrate on their responsibilities; at the same time, they can communicate with each other and assist in defining business strategies.

In order to boost its production, Heineken uses different business strategies, such as the development of existing products and the analysis of the current market situation. As an example of the first strategy, it is possible to mention that the executive board attracts leaders from other corporations, such as Krups (Gido et al. 349). The leaders of the company are ready to work with other professionals and collaborate for mutual benefit. As Gido et al. emphasize, the company uses “multidimensional leadership,” which means that it attracts leaders for control over particular issues (349). The tasks of specialists and their leaders are distributed within one project: some people may be involved in the production, while others can be responsible for the design (Gido et al. 349). The company’s Directors determine its business strategies; at the same time, they work together with other important bodies, such as the team of supervisors.

To sum up, Heineken is an example of how effective organization and leadership affect strategic success. The leaders and the most important bodies in the company are its main decision-makers; at the same time, they constantly communicate and assist each other. As a result, the distribution of responsibilities and the decisive role of the company’s leaders help to define business strategies and take necessary actions.

Works Cited

Gido, Jack, et al. Successful Project Management. Cengage Learning, 2017. “Our leadership.” The Heineken Company. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study." January 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/heinekens-organization-and-strategy-case-study/.


StudyCorgi. "Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study." January 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/heinekens-organization-and-strategy-case-study/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Heineken’s Organization and Strategy: Case Study." January 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/heinekens-organization-and-strategy-case-study/.

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