Helping Professional: The Role of Values

For helping professionals, it is essential to be aware of different values and their importance to individuals. According to Corey and Corey (2021), such specialists must respect their “clients’ worldview and understand their value system to be of help to them and to be agents of change and empowerment” (p. 70). This essay aims to reflect on the role of values in my work as a helping professional.

One’s core beliefs can present both advantages and disadvantages for their professional growth and development. For example, my values can work for me when they are similar to my client’s, which helps me better understand their viewpoint and needs. Furthermore, it is beneficial to have an established value system to realize its potential influence on my communication with patients and prevent the adverse impacts of bias and judgment. In turn, my values can work against me if I try to impose them on my clients and guide or persuade them accordingly. This process can occur unintentionally and affect therapeutic outcomes (Corey & Corey, 2021). A helper’s main task is to encourage individuals to explore and determine their own values.

Subjects raised in Chapter 3 include family, gender-role identity, religious and spiritual beliefs, LGBTQI, abortion, sexuality, and end-of-life decisions. I am clear regarding where I stand on such values as I follow the general principle of non-judgment and supporting each individual’s choice as long as it does not harm others. In other words, I have strong personal beliefs regarding the subjects discussed by Corey and Corey (2021). However, I realize the importance of not involving my judgments and preferences in therapeutic communication and processes.

The practice of self-disclosure refers to the process when a therapist shares their personal information or opinions with the client. There are various circumstances when a professional helper might do it. In particular, I would be inclined to share my values and beliefs with a client if I thought it would help establish a trustful and positive relationship with the patient. Moreover, I would discuss personal experience if it resonated with the client’s feelings or beliefs to demonstrate acceptance and understanding. At the same time, self-disclosure can be harmful if it is excessive and irrelevant to the therapy (Corey & Corey, 2021). As a helper, I must focus on the client’s needs and prevent the negative impact of my personal issue or opinions on the treatment.

Addressing value conflicts in an efficient manner is pivotal for positive therapy outcomes for the client. Among the examples discussed in Chapter 3, the problem of gender roles would be the most challenging for me to resolve. My values and beliefs regarding parenting and family responsibilities of men and women would make me align with the wife and empower her to pursue her goals in life while neglecting the husband’s problem. Therefore, it is essential to avoid such outcomes and let the clients determine therapy goals for themselves.

To conclude, professional helpers must be aware of the importance of values for their work and communication with others. Since everyone’s worldview is unique, conflicts can arise, and the helper’s role is to address them effectively. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the negative impact of the therapist’s personal beliefs on the treatment. Bias and judgment regarding the client’s approach to life must be eliminated for positive outcomes.


Corey, M. S., & Corey, G. (2021). Knowing your values. In M. S. Corey & G. Corey (Eds.), Becoming a helper (8th ed., pp. 69-99). Cengage Learning.

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