Henry Purcell is a well-known composer of opera pieces from the Baroque period. One work selected for this discussion is Purcell’s (2018) “See, Even Night Herself Is Here,” which is part of the second act of the Fairy-Queen semi-opera. Concerning instrumentation, the piece features the use of two violins, a piano, and one soprano voice performing the Night’s song.
The song’s form is illustrative of the composer’s unique approach to sound organization. Although the libretto borrows a plot from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, the piece’s melodic pattern is original and relies on homophonic textures, so no pre-existing melodies are featured (Purcell, 2018). Concerning the structure, the opening instrumental section starts at 00:00 and lasts until 00:48 (Purcell, 2018). This unit previews the Night’s solo and introduces the critical melody by repeating it twice. Regarding the theme’s development, during the following repetitions occurring between 00:48 and 1:24, a soprano adds variety to the piano melody, with the vocalist’s pitch decreasing gradually. Between 2:00 and 2:20, the singer’s voice reaches its maximum loudness, and the following sections demonstrate changes to pitch and three-second pauses separating the Night’s lines. The singer’s voice fades at 3:30, marking the vocal theme’s end and repeating the calm expository section. There are no noticeable alterations to the piece’s initially moderate tempo and rhythm, and the overall mood can be characterized as melancholic and otherworldly.
The piece’s text is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s aforementioned play. It describes the Night’s soothing impacts on humanity, including her ability to remove excess noise, distractions, and anxieties (Purcell, 2018). The sound helps convey these positive meanings perfectly, creating a unique work to keep the audience mesmerized by the mystical character’s gracefulness. I enjoyed listening to the chosen song because of the apparent harmony between the performer’s singing voice, the melody, and the theme of calmness, peacefulness, and relaxation that occupy a person’s mind at night.
Purcell, H. (2018). Henry Purcell – The fairy queen Z 629 – “See even night herself is here” #16 [Video]. YouTube. Web.