Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan

Executive Summary

Vision/Mission Statement

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is an information technology company focusing on software and networking. Its mission is to introduce modern technological solutions for the benefit of the community’s business and everyday life. The company follows the principles of overall inclusion and aims to create equal opportunities for both employees and clients. Its priority is to provide customer-oriented support to help every buyer overcome immediate challenges.

Company Summary

HPE is a part of the Hewlett-Packard company; its specialization is developing software products and providing financial services and IT support. The headquarters of the organization are located in Palo Alto, California; its affiliates are established in different parts of the U.S. and abroad. The enterprise collaborates with other IT companies and manufacturers, such as Micro Focus and Cray Inc., working in the same business industry.


The company focuses on developing cloud services, software, and IT infrastructure. Some of its most popular products include virtual machines, database platforms, networking, security software, container platforms, and other technological solutions. Besides, the HPE services include customer support, advisory, operational, and financial services, such as IT financing and assets. The products and services offered by the company are aimed to facilitate governance and management in organizations.

Market Assessment

HPE works in the market of software products for corporate use. Its customers are small and large organizations from different business industries. Since the sphere of technology is constantly developing, HPE has several serious competitors, such as Lenovo, Apple, and Dell. At the same time, the company uses integrated marketing strategies and pays attention to research and development, which makes it viable in its business sphere.

Strategic Implementation

The aim of the present business plan is to launch the production of healthcare-oriented products in response to current social and economic changes. The strategy includes exploring the market and identifying potential buyers of modernized software, managing the company’s resources, and controlling expenditures in order to make initial investments. Finally, the plan implies conducting research on medical software equipment and maintaining customer support after launching production.

Expected Outcomes

The desired outcome of the business plan is the production of a range of new products, such as software, cloud servers, and networking systems, that would be used in the sphere of healthcare. In the case of successful product development, it is possible to extend the customer base and establish connections with regular customers from the healthcare sector. Since these technological solutions are in high demand, a consequent increase in sales can also be expected.


The present business plan reflects significant changes that occurred recently due to the epidemiological situation and demonstrates how HPE may adapt to these tendencies and contribute to the field of healthcare. Moreover, the decline in the company’s revenue requires modification of production, which could lead to financial benefits. The aim of this business initiative is to ensure the effective work of medical institutions and improve the HPE performance.

Step 1

The current epidemiological situation has increased the demand for software and telecommunications technologies. The development in the sphere of healthcare is a promising solution for the company (“Hewlett Packard Enterprise COVID-19 Response,” n.d.). The first step includes identifying the most significant social and economic trends connected with pandemic and their influence on the medical sector. Therefore, it is necessary to study the business environment and current economic tendencies to identify the needs of the modern market.

The objective of this step is to conduct market research in at least 200 domestic and foreign medical institutions during the next three months through online questionnaires or personal appointments. The potential products requiring medicine-related modernization may include cloud servers, storage systems, branch networking, and all types of software related to facilitating medical organizations’ work. Therefore, the desired outcome is to define the demands of the modern market and the possible scale of production.

Step 2

The cost-benefit analysis would allow calculating the amount of initial investment and evaluating if the business plan can be implemented within the next year. According to the recent statistics, there has been a steady decrease in the annual revenue during the last three years; in 2020, the decline was estimated at 10% (“Hewlett Packard Enterprise Revenue 2013-2020,” n.d.). Therefore, the company is to prepare a report including costs and benefits for each potential product and suggest the list of expenses on supplies, marketing, and product development.

Another objective of this step is to identify which medical institutions and organizations are likely to serve as sponsors for developing healthcare-oriented software. The plan is to send at least 100 official letters to domestic and foreign healthcare organizations to negotiate the possibility of sponsorship. Moreover, this collaboration would allow creating a team of specialists who could contribute to the development of new software products.

Step 3

The final stage of the plan is connected with developing software and ensuring its effectiveness. In the four-months-time, with the guidance of medical and IT teams of specialists, HPE should conduct research on the specific medicine-related requirements of the modernized software. An integrated marketing campaign, such as advertising and personal selling, is necessary to raise the awareness of the target audience about the HPE products. Finally, the customer support system should be enhanced to help customers adapt to new medical software.


The implementation of the present plan requires a preliminary evaluation of the target market and the company’s resources in terms of feasibility. Besides, establishing business connections with particular institutions may help HPE extend the customer base and adapt its products and services to the needs of the market. The present initiative is an opportunity for HPE to increase sales and solve the technological problems of modern healthcare.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise Revenue 2013-2020 | HPE. (n.d.). Macrotrends. Web.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise COVID-19 Response. (n.d.). Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan." March 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hewlett-packard-enterprise-business-plan/.


StudyCorgi. "Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan." March 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hewlett-packard-enterprise-business-plan/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Business Plan." March 14, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/hewlett-packard-enterprise-business-plan/.

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