Homeopathy vs. Traditional Medicine: Efficacy and Principles

As a matter of fact, nowadays, more and more people do not trust medicine, and thus, seek for alternatives and non-traditional therapies. Homeopathy is not a new phenomenon. This term was commonly used recently. However, it is worth highlighting that homeopathy was officially recognized by a traditional medicine not long ago. In some cases, this type of medicine can be considered as even more effective than the traditional one. The primary purpose of the paper is to find out the proposed homeopathy remedy according to the symptoms chosen on the website and check the effectiveness of the medication.

The Principle of the Homeopathy

First and foremost, it should be pointed out that the fundamental principle of homeopathy can be found in the dimension of similarity. The scientists and the supporters of the homeopathy are sure that the substance in large doses that can cause the symptoms or the disease in the human organism can be used beneficially. According to the theory of the experts that are sure that the homeopathy is the most effective way to cure diseases, small doses of such substances can be used in the process of treatment as they can cure a person (Ridsdale, 2014). The principle of similarities is a key aspect that is used by the supporters of the homeopathy.


After going through the process of choosing the symptoms, I got the following results, namely:

  1. Cough;
  2. Gets worse reading aloud;
  3. Dry cough;
  4. It gets worse while lying down;
  5. The symptoms get worse in the midnight while lying on the back.


The stated above symptoms were chosen from the wide spectrum presented on the website. After analyzing the symptoms, the webpage offered a medication that is supposed to help in dealing with the problem. The homeopathic medication is Phosphorus. It should be noted that it is commonly used in the homeopathy to cure a cough. Phosphorus is commonly prescribed to people in order to get rid of a dry cough that especially disturbs at night.

It is worth making accent that the website has chosen the medication in a correct way and noted that the match with the symptoms described is almost 85%. However, in order not to make the symptoms more severe, the dosage of the homeopathic medication should be taken into consideration and strictly followed (Ridsdale, 2014). It is essential to take only up to three pills a day, and, in addition, it seems significant to stress that the person that consumes these pills should drink at least a half of the glass of water after the medication was taken (Biolchini & Wenna, 2014). The pills are effective as they fight against a dry cough that disturbs at night. In a couple of days, a cough was not as dry as it used to be, and it resulted in the improvement of the health status.


In conclusion, it should be pointed out that homeopathy can be a very effective tool in fighting against diseases. The principle of similarity and appropriate dosage is a fundamental one for this type of the medicine. It is worth stating that a number of recent studies proved the significance of homeopathy. Although there are some websites, like the one that was under consideration in this paper can be easily found over the Internet, it should be stressed that the consultation with a specialist is needed in order for a patient to get a positive outcome.


Biolchini, J., & Wenna, S. (2014). Homeopathic medication in pulmonary tuberculosis treatment, clinical evolution, and drug-resistance: A randomized, double blind clinical Trial. Homeopathy, 103(1), 80.

Ridsdale, P. (2014). Homeopathy helps the whole family. Homoeopathic Links, 27(04), 234-235.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 22). Homeopathy vs. Traditional Medicine: Efficacy and Principles. https://studycorgi.com/homeopathys-symptoms-and-treatment/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Homeopathy vs. Traditional Medicine: Efficacy and Principles." October 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/homeopathys-symptoms-and-treatment/.


StudyCorgi. "Homeopathy vs. Traditional Medicine: Efficacy and Principles." October 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/homeopathys-symptoms-and-treatment/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Homeopathy vs. Traditional Medicine: Efficacy and Principles." October 22, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/homeopathys-symptoms-and-treatment/.

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