Hotel Liability and Booking Cancellation Case

The case described investigates the violation of legal relations based on the drafting of the contract from several parties at once. After reading the scenario, we can identify two main problems that led to the legal conflict. First, a pre-booked room for Mr. Rogers in the hotel was not available for settlement due to overflow. Second, luggage delivered to another hotel was lost. There was a violation of the official agreement signed by Rogers and the hotel. It is essential to clarify that the reservation is considered valid from the moment the customer receives a notice containing information about the name of the performer, the customer, the category of the room ordered and its price, as well as the conditions of the reservation and terms of stay at the hotel. In other words, Rogers, intending to leave his luggage and laptop at the hotel, was convinced that his room was ready and therefore had the confirmation of the reservation.

The hotel’s actions can be considered lawful if it has been noted in the booking conditions that in the event of default, the hotel administration undertakes to find a way out. A room was booked at a nearby hotel, so all obligations for a comfortable stay should have been provided by Lord James. However, since Rogers gave the items to the driver for transfer to the hotel, they have acquired infra hospital status. In other words, the responsibility for the safety of the issues lay with Chateau Cat, which owns the limousine (LaMance, 2019). It was the first hotel to be responsible for the missing items because it violated the Absolute Liability Rule. Speaking of liability, it’s worth understanding that Rogers has no guilt – he handed over his luggage to the legal representative of the hotel, which concluded a contract for the transfer and storage services (LaMance, 2019). None of the conditions involving force majeure or negligence on the part of the guest have been found, and it is, therefore, appropriate to speak of the fault of Chateau Cat.


LaMance, K. (2019). Hotel liability: Who is responsible for my lost belongings? LegalMatch. Web.

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